Watch this shelter dog melt the first time he’s pet – family dumped him because they were moving 😔

Watch this shelter dog melt the first time he's pet - family dumped him because they were moving 😔
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His family dumped him at the shelter because they were moving. We know Arthur’s storybook ending is out there, even if it takes an unlikely hero to rewrite his tale 🥹

Read more on Arthur here 👉

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About the Author: Rocky Kanaka


  1. The confusion of why is troubling. Animals..pets give their all and too often they give more than so-called owners. I hope his spirit comes back to dance with a better home..and people.

  2. Oh my..🥹 watching how patient he is with this pup is amazing!!
    Thank You for your work!!
    Blessings of Health,Wealth,and Happiness to you and yours..❤

  3. I've gotten rid of women and kept y dogs. It's the better choice. All of my dogs are rescues of some sort. They are the best 😊. They give pure unconditional love and only want loved back. No strings attached,,just love

  4. Hard to read comments through watery eyes here.
    I got my GSD 5-6 y.o. used… errr… rescue about 3 yrs. ago. She was saved from a high-kill 'shelter' in TX, and one of our many great adoption groups in Chicago brought her up here. She exhibited these same behaviors. 100% Czech/DDR with zero training. It took a while, but with constant love, attention, and consistent training, she's just the best. I don't know her story, but being a purebred working breed with a limp, I have a feeling she fell through the cracks or was misplaced with someone who didn't know the breed/drive. I'm putting this out to anyone who is thinking of adopting, especially a pure bred, do your research and know that they are a commitment and not an accessory.
    You get the dog you earn, not simply the one you want.
    Also, as I live alone with her, I have plans in place with people in case something happens to me such that she will be well cared for.
    I hope to see a video of Arthur meeting his furever people soon.

  5. I once took a dog for someone who couldn't keep their dog. The dog was 15. Imagine the pain!
    The owner was HOMELESS. Sometimes things happen to people beyond their control. Also, the dog I now have was a puppy when I got her from a young couple that had to move in with family and the family said "No dog", Seriously, I'm sure he wasn't dumped off. Beingst the people got him from the shelter and gave him a good home, perhaps they figured the shelter would give him another good home they have faith in the shelter, obviously. Don't judge people who need to rehome their dog safely.

  6. Our dog Bear is an Australian kelpie. This puppy could be a twin. They are very gentle and sweet and bred not to bite. They are very fast runners. They love to herd. I would say he is an Australian kelpie and cattle dog… also dingo in there as from what I have read is just a given with both breeds histories.

  7. The worst type of people are the ones who have the dog and the home and then they say we’re moving and can’t keep the dog, soooo the dog was never part of the family…you’re horrible people and don’t ever need to have another dog EVER!!! People suck!!!

  8. I'm not saying this is the case, but I sat for a dog that was trained to only take food if offered by the owners hand. I feel for this little guy. I have a "throw a way" cat because someone my son knows decided that they couldn't handle a cat and a baby. Really? He is a wonderful addition to our family but has some issues. He loves my son and is now just trusting his new mama (3 years later). And please don't name him Arthur! So many better names

  9. My wife and I have already adopted three chihuahuas. 2 seniors one 13 the other 14 and one 6 year old. No one wants senior dogs. My wife and I are both in our 70's with these senior dogs we have decided to call our home " senior housing ". LOL we love it. Good luck Rocky. Hope you place every dog in a good forever home. ☺

  10. We have an almost 14 year old Border Collie named Sport. He used to have a solid black face but now that he’s a senior he has grey eyebrows. I absolutely love them, very expressive!!

  11. I think it's important to understand that sometimes people are forced to give their dogs up because they aren't allowed to have pets in many rentals. It isn't a matter of existing like a piece of unwanted furniture. People are sometimes forced to move into homes that don't allow pets. It may be all they are able to afford. Be careful not to judge the post owner to quickly. They may be hurt by the situation to.

  12. Sometimes life sucks. My German Shepherd came a family that moved to an apartment and could not have him their. He got. Good home and was an exceptional dog.

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