10 Devastating Rockfalls & Landslides Caught on Camera
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► Music Licensed From SoundStripe/Envato Elements
For any and all copyright matters, please email me directly at UnderworldCopyright@gmail.com
Unless otherwise created by Underworld, licenses have been obtained for images/footage in the video from the following sources; https://pastebin.com/w3TAntts
Underworld is creating the best new educational videos about the lesser known stories from around the world. We post Top 5’s, Top 10’s, Caught on Camera and much more! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to never miss an upload!
these are old videos i want to see some new video instead of re watching this old stuff
"put worker safety above profits"…… but NO ONE knew the rocks would fall that day. Maybe they could close the mine because there is a mountain? C'mon. That's where mines are.
Worker safety ahead of profits? Never happen
This guy is a perfect narrator
Thats carzy but also entertaining
Worker safety ahead of profits? Never happen
"I can't believe my eyes every time I see the incredible moments on this channel. These are things you can only dream of!"
The current Blue Ridge Mountains on the US East Coast are actually the remnant of a much taller range of mountains. The Earth is a great leveler.
What was the red boomerang thing that appeared in the center of the falling mountain 4:23 then gone 4:24?
This guy is a perfect narrator
these are old videos i want to see some new video instead of re watching this old stuff
11:53 😅 if you know.
Just wondering: Why do such a lot of people hold their camera/phone in "portrait" position instead of "landscape"? Is it stupidity, ignorance, laziness or something else??
Mr Underworld
I suffer from anxiety and depression and yet your videos are very soothing to me. Thank you 🤜🏾
Colorado bought her mountains from a good, Godly granite retailer. These joker states apparently went to walmart for their mountains.
Underworld, thank you SO MUCH for your channel. I’m really interested in natural disasters and you cover them excellently! I am watching your videos back to your first posting. EXCELLENT. One thing I’ve noticed a few times is that some footage is reused and has nothing to do with the video subject. You know, wrong country video. Love your work though so please keep producing.
I'm not sure if you've already talked about the avalanches that occurred in Costa Rica due to a landslide that blocked the Aguas Zarcas River. There are several videos from different days. It might be useful for an upcoming video.
Greetings and excellent videos.
What’s with people recording in portrait mode? TV went from 3×4 to 9×16 for a reason, movies are in 1×2.1 for a reason, cause we like a wider field of view. Ok ok yes it’s easier to hold the phone. So then why don’t these trillion dollar phone companies rotate the cameras by 90 degrees? “Things that makes you go hum.”
That's something I really appreciate about the Underworld bunch. They narrate without a bunch of Jibber Jabber on their own opinion of what they think about a video. Keep it up and keep it real.
Holy Cripes.
Worker safety ahead of profits? Never happen. 😢
Wow, that was truly unbelievable! 😂 Incredible work, folks!
Even mountains can't escape gravity.
#8 is Peru I think
That's something I really appreciate about the Underworld bunch. They narrate without a bunch of Jibber Jabber on their own opinion of what they think about a video. Keep it up and keep it real.
I was working in the coast range forest in Oregon. We drove up a new logging spur road to figure out where we were to work the next day. The next day we drove up the road and found the road gone were we were going to park. The hillside had slid out. A little scary.
산을 위험하게 관리하니 산이 무너지네요.
Thank you for the update, Underworld..!! 3:58 Wow, that was scary..!!
This is the Whoa ! ! Channel
They're killing the earth off with all these chemicals just like Japan is destroying the entire ocean with their nuclear waster they plan on dumping for the next 30 to 40 years just like their junk ass power plant is still leaking in the ocean
They say yodeling in the Alps can cause an avalanche. So dont yell when youre out there in the heavy snow. I see so many videos of rock slides from China, though. Must we refrain from free speech there, too?? 😸🤠😂!
Thats carzy but also entertaining
Watching these reminds me of some experiments that were done with rockfalls and landslides. At the time scientists were convinced that these things had no resemblance to flows of water and other liquids and fluids, scoffing at various eyewitness reports to the contrary. This was at a time when mobile phones were very much in the future, so there few, if any, recordings of such events.
They chose a dry mountain side to conduct the experiments, and during the preparations drew a large crowd of onlookers from the local inhabitants. It also drew a number of TV film crews to the site, who documented the whole event. I won't forget the result: when the rockfall/landslide was triggered, the whole lot literally flowed downslope, acting like a mass of water, even to behaving like a waterfall on the steeper parts of the slope despite there being no water present at all. Rocks of all sizes, from sizeable boulders down to dust, acted like water… something no-one thought could happen.
It was a salutary lesson for everyone, not least the scientists. Further experiments, driven by disasters like Armero, taught us that some rockfalls and landslides don't need water to start them: others, depending on rock type and condition, only require a bare minimum to turn an unstable slope into a surging relentless flood of mud. burying everything unfortunate enough to be in it's path, and setting as hard as concrete once motion ceases..
It isn't just natural rock piles that can give way suddenly, either. I hadn't been born when the disaster of Aberfan happened, but I've grown up knowing about it. The trouble is that, with the human population explosively increasing, and with it human hunger for resources of all kinds that need to be dug out of the ground, more disasters like the Aberfan spoil-heap collapse are going to happen… unless, of course, we take heed of the lessons Nature kindly provides us with.
#2 was the result of ILLEGAL logging in my family's province, which left the mountains unstable because the tree roots were destroyed.Many homes and Barangays were affecteed and are still today because of corruption of local COUNCILLORS who take BRIBES to allow the logging companise to devatastate our homelands! This is endemic in the Philippines.