BRAIN TIME ► https://goo.gl/tTWgH2
#MindWarehouse #IncredibleMoments #CaughtOnCamera #incrediblemoments
Mysterious disappearances, objects moving on their own, and strange creatures caught on camera – it’s best not to watch this compilation in the dark!
For copyright matters please contact us at: copymanager.mn@gmail.com
there is more to the story of the welder guy.. if i remember correctly his co worker had retired. and a couple days later he passed away but his this guy did not know about this.. he heard his mate yell his name and he went over to talk to him. and his mate wanted to say goodbye properly.. the glow is the light on the phone that recorded it of the monitor.. the security guy called him up to the office to see who he was talking to thinking there was someone out of the view of the cam.. but the guy working there swears he was talking to his mate..
Watching this compilation made me turn on all the lights in my house… and call my ghostbuster neighbor for backup! 👻🚫
Whose my favorite YouTuber, Akimbo, BeAmazed, Brain Time, Mind Warehouse, or ……Unpopular Notes
We are surrounded by invisible entities. Believing that the human eye can catch and comprise physical reality is arrogant pseudo science. We are not alone. Period. Animism in Africa is all about communicating with those entities.
18:32 I didn’t know security footage from ”Nashville, Tennessee” would be written in Chinese…🤭
A waste of time …
Since when Mind Warehouse is showing Paranormal videos?. That's Strange as well. 😵💫
Pretty much all footage is questionable. Lame video
First one fake
CCTV camera was stopped its true 🙂
That second to the last clip with the guy in the hospital room, that's dust, the IR lights light up the dust floating near the camera. I see it all the time when I watch the night cameras.
Fake on top of fake on top of bullploppy on top of shite…
N.b 1 video in India
2:18 That's just a lamp glare in the cctv screen that is filmed with a cell phone. The "conversation" is fake.
95 % fake video/image
There is nothing on here that can’t be easily explained.
@2:44 when I saw the original post of this video about the welder talking to there was no mention about the glowing spot you see on the video. That's because the spot on the video is a reflection of light in the room that the monitor that's being recorded is in. The actual story behind that video is that that welder spoke with his co-worker for a few minutes and then his boss called him to watch the video after which point he let him know that his coworker had passed away that night earlier on. The guy on the video swears he was speaking to him even though you can clearly see no one was there
These moments are a testament to the human spirit
Thumbs down- if I wanted to see these idiotic made up videos I wouldn't be subscribed to your channel.
Sorry, I gave up on this one a few minutes in. When you use a potato instead of a camera the image artifacts can be anything you want them to be.
Having seen numerous quite elaborate pranking videos, I never underestimate the desire people have to fool others.
It's sad but u cant trust videos or pictures anymore with how easy it is now to create anything.
I can do the 3 moons any time through my window. It's just reflection.
@16:13 👈
That is the missing Boeing panel.
With the mermaid if it was comercial the guys wouldht wear scientific robs
AI is here ! dont belive what you see in the net 🤣
3:42 FAKE 🤣🤣🤣
13:18 SUPER FAKE 🤣🤣🤣 blairwitch projekt 2.0
18:11"clearly" no ! i see shit and some pixels🤣🤣🤣
all BS
People are strange but recording them through their windows is crazy
Hello, you seem more like Slapped ham than Mind warehouse. Some things l did see on Slapped ham.
17:00–18:00 it could be the grim reaper
13:29 …… just a forest critter. bobcat, feral dog or cat. the forest kicks up a racket
at night. all the nocturnals come out and they aint quiet. bullfrogs, loons, screech owls
even two cats humping make an earsplitting sound. no, its not a mythical monster beast.
This channel is what keep me going every day! Love every bit of this video!
the first clip…. the image on the tv screen is pre recorded and paused NOT live. try again!!!
4:45 "return the slab" anyone?