Police released surveillance video on Thursday morning of a shooting that injured three teens earlier in the week. One victim is 13 years old, and the other two are 16.
READ: https://6abc.com/philadelphia-shooting-frazier-street-west-philly-surveillance-video/12995928/
Damn that wild
I think the parents are to blame always .get out the dam city and stop trying to be part of the insane gansta rap.gansta rap is and always has been to devil's tool to take you black children
Police 👮♂️ and Politicians are a joke. There just investigators
Everybody, please unite and don't tell on these locals. They don't need to get caught up in the system over this. In a few years they'll mature and start to behave. It's a challenging environment.
Them fools realized at the last minute get in position before it be a case of friendly fire
Those weren't automatic weapons. Semi-automatic pistols and rifles.
We Need Harsher laws for Harsh Crimes!!!!!!! 10-20yrs Mandatory For Guns Without A license
How surprising there black
Inner-city hood trash are simply out of control. Put the national guard into them.
Send in the National Guard in the Marines to take care of business
0:02 the poor white cat on the stairs behind them: ruuuun 😊
to tall was workin the rod though
Gang initiation? Didn’t look to me like the last 2 were so committed to task and were shooting just for the sake of shooting.
Hcgjcyncf;"!)7 itkobvr😅
Did he really say AUTOMATIC RIFLE? 😂😂😂 those are semi-automatic 😂
We need to address the issues and the circumstances that bring it to this! But no one really wants to go that deep ! Prevention is the key!
A deeper dna study is needed ,,
Philadelphia. You need to keep those Amish kids out of your city. They’re gonna give you a bad reputation
"…an automatic gun…duh, duh, duh…" Seriously, Chief!?!?
Biden approved democrat city never fear Biden is here
You want this violence to stop well take away protective custody yeah, they put themselves in her. What happens to them in there? Not the government fault they put Cell in.
Dude started shootin his boys got scared he lucky tall dude jus wasn’t shooting he ran right in front of of him 🤦🏽
Quit patting them on their cakes smh. Until the time doesn't outway the crime they will just keep wilding out.
It starts with the parents.
That's Man-Man, Pokey, Lil Larry, and Big Duke….they live up the street and around the corner, next to the candy lady house with the broke down cars in the yard with the dog tied to the tree.