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Dude complaining about a $5 tip from a pizza order? WTF? Most people hardly tip at all anymore so be grateful.
Even though, it was my three pet hates in people, there was very little to laugh at.
7:17 someone explain plz?
Stupid, again.
Wish I could have laughed, not funny
Most of these are not funny, but sad and/or cringeworthy. How is someone getting injured funny?
Most of these are people thinking that physics is a choice, and yeah that is pretty stupid! 🤣
It's really not funny when this jerk with a motorbike makes this salto in the river and spreading motor oil in the river. Who can laugh at such hedge bums?
Uh, the shot of the plane losing it door plug is not funny the passengers were not the idiots, Boeing/Spirit are
this dog is the caramelo une especie brazilian
What the video at 0:51 didn’t show was him saying “fuck you” after she said “your welcome” the order she had was 22$ and the tip was 5$ making it a 22% tip so pretty good. He did in fact get fired
@ 2:14: The funniest thing I've seen a quite a while! I truly "LOL"'d at it.
You put paint in there
8:29 MILF alert. NICE Gibbleys
Чувак, вы с компанией Рен-ТВ выступаете с такой х…..й , что комментарии в вашу сторону будут просто САХАРКОМ….
Update to the cocky Pizza delivery: he was fired. Apparently it made the news. LOL He actually said: F*ck You after she said you're welcome. Geez!
0:47 what an Ahole 😏 $5 is more than I would give for someone who just delivered a Pizza 😬
$5 tip guy, get a new job then goofball 🤡
i bet his name is Murphy
2:39 wtf happened?? It looks like a freaking portal to the Ender!
favorit 1:19 🤣
I think the real fail in the video is the camera person automatically looking away.😊
I've driven for pizza Hut for a decade. $5 for an order obviously below $30 is decent. I'm used to stiffs, and tips under $3. As i make $6.50 hourly on the road, i would rather not even take those, lol. But $5 doesn't hurt.
That guy fell off the roof and training kicked in. Must be ex military or circus. And stopping the video when that para dude is falling? Was he alive? Did he get his chute out?
3:57 "I see dead boats."
14:24 is not really funny someone needs help.
@0:45 what a POS. It looked like all he handed her was a pizza and maybe breadsticks. Even if that food was $25, $5 is a 20% tip! WTF is he expecting 100% tip on the food order? i'm so effing sick of this tipping BS and forcing customers to supplement income so they can pretend their crap costs less. Got to push lawmakers to stop allowing restaurants to pay less than minimum wage. i don't agree with ppl refusing to tip because they hate the policy. I hate it too, but all it does is hurt the workers. However passive aggressive BS like this makes me rethink that stance. i'd have been like, ok fine, how a $0 tip instead asshole. i'm taking back my $5
My dad delivered pizza as one of his first jobs and he didn’t get tipped very often even when delivering to the rich areas. $5 is better than nothing!!! Also I never f with people handling my food especially pizza. I always have the utmost respect for the pizza industry.
These kind of clowns dont even deserve a tip, how about u go with that snarky attitude to ur boss and ask for a bigger salary? Random ppl are not responsible for ur income
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