3 HOUR TRUE CRIME COMPILATION | 9 Cases From Around The World

3 HOUR TRUE CRIME COMPILATION | 9 Cases From Around The World
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3 HOUR TRUE CRIME COMPILATION | 9 Cases From Around The World

Bizarre Bazaar brings your true crime documentaries, prison interviews, speaking with survivors, mysteries and goes places no other true crime channel dares to go. I pride myself on bringing first hand material to YouTube, so you will only see this true crime content here.

If you want to submit a case for me to cover then send it here – bizarrebazaar101@gmail.com

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About the Author: Bizarre Bazaar


  1. After spending years listening and watching true crime you rarely feel any case will surprise you, but after hearing about Nastia on here and Junko on another video, I'm still finding videos that shock me with just how cruel people can be. I guess the only sure thing is that people will constantly find new ways to be cruel to each other.

  2. Wait wait they cut her up so good and cook her. I pray and forgive people. But I really must say Jesus and God have beautiful hearts to see what we do. I know the devil and his demons come to are minds. I would be sad just think this creatures you made and love sending them to a place where eternity fire and more. That’s why I must praise just that shows how strong God is. Repent and forgive. Even things that you believe is the unthinkable. Because you want are lord to forgive us to and he does. So we must to. I pray anyone who watch this can do that forgive I know it’s hard I KNOW!

  3. Imagine "just killing something to make a meal with." 🤔 Isn't that exactly what we do to animals? Plenty of animals look at us as nothing more than anything from a snack, a meal, or something to just down right pester! (Talking to you mosquitos!) It's the exact same with that cannibal tribe. Around the world, we ALL (you too vegans) kill something to eat our next meal! JS 😘🤷‍♀️🤔

  4. Hess killed all of those people because he didn't want to get a job? That's the most assinine excuse for murdering innocent people. Thanks so much for treating us with 2 hrs worth of well researched and interesting cases that are not well known to many of us.

  5. I have a grandson named Jayden who is 8 years old & has blonde hair. Makes me so sick & sad thinking this Jayden never got his right to life & that it hits home of the similarities between both little boys. And it could have been my Jayden he could be talking about😭😭😭

  6. Jokes on the first guy. He will either be working as a laundry machine, a food server, a janitor, or as Bubbuh’s bitch. So not only is his brain messed up, he’s also going to most likely get a new best “friend.”

  7. I just wonder what goes around the minds of vile people!. They have no conscience, no responsibility, no fairness and they are like hyenas in a forest attacking innocent people.

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