Ancient Aliens and the New World Order – FULL ENGLISH DOCUMENTARY

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Jim Marrs, author of the best-selling book Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? takes you into this secret world and exposes the truth about Ancient Aliens and their connection to modern rulers.

#documentary #fullmovie #ancientaliens #aliens #UFO #conspiracy #gravitasfilms

Directed by: J. Michael Long
Starring: OH Krill, Jim Marrs

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About the Author: Gravitas Documentaries


  1. Blah,blah,blah,blah.Face it, some things we are not meant to know.what truth there is ,we are kept from. Ancient alien guys making a living for 30 yrs just speculating over and over. They were here but itll never be main stream.

  2. The Georgia Guidestones have been proven to be an art instillation. According to Wikipedia, in 1979 a super rich guy commissioned to have them built with secrecy as a component of the project.

  3. Beautifully done. I think if Jim Marrs had lived longer he would have asked the next question: if only 500m of us are needed as a servant pool, is it possible that the next approach of Nibiru will be to re populate the Earth with the Anunnakis that survived the slow death of their planet? Maybe the gold filled atmosphere didn't work like they had hoped…so they need us gone to make room for them… Kinda makes sense in a sickening way.

  4. When was this made? I'm thinking this is somewhere between ten to twenty years old. We've known about Göbekli Tepe now, for a decade or more. This fellow makes it sound like a recent discovery.

    Checking some of the comments below, many people praising this documentary and stating all the new things you've learned and so forth. Guys, when you are pushing 60 years of age and have been checking into all this stuff since you were a young child, none of it is new anymore. This man presented nothing in this documentary that I have not heard about many, many, time over. It all, gets so old after a while, when no one seems able to take it to another level. My Best. Out.

  5. What is your take today – a decade into the future -with the Ukranian war replacing the war in Afghanistan to maintain the high dividends for arms industry investors, with China buying up land all over Africa, Bill Gates buying up the US farmlands as fast as he can get them, unprecedented war and war crimes and carnage in the Middle East?

  6. Charlemagne was NOT a French king – he was Karl the Great and his seat of government was the ancient Roman city of Trier, located on the Rhine river

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