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A #boy put his umbrella’s handle between #elevator doors to prevent it from closing in Fuzhou City, east China’s Jiangxi Province. But suddenly the elevator closed and went into free fall while breaking the umbrella handle. The lift stopped at the 25th floor, holding the boy captive. Fortunately, the rescue team arrived in time and saved the boy.
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This video deserves a BIG Thumbs DOWN!
Sleazy click bait special.
No way that umbrella caused anything
As an experienced boy, I can elevate a free umbrella. It's just a matter who of it when the door them.
As a regular black guy i can with 100% certainty say that was NOT a "free fall".
Im sorry? Free fall? That looked like artificially sped up footage of a normal elevator speed
What a m0r0n
F around and find out little dude.
THIS, YouTube. THIS is why the DISLIKE BUTTON COUNT needs to come back.
Cheats should not be rewarded for sure, but it's just fuckin annoying and reminds me why I go back to GETTR every time.
1) Not free fall, 2) stupid kid
The umbrella had the free fall
As a stupid little kid, I can confirm that we should listen to stupid little kids when making nuanced social & economic policies.
trauma for the rest of his life~! good for that kid never play with elevator like that again.
I search for "pepelats kin-dza-dza" and get this?
As a professional free fall, I can confirm the boy owns an umbrella.
As a Tom Petty fan, that elevator was definitely not Free Fallin'
shut up china.
Fuck around & Find out
People should teach their kids to respect elevators. And heavy industrial machines
They are not nice when they are out of control and mad. Due to opening doors by force or when the entire country wants to fit in 2×2 m room.
Sometomes they have the right to do free fall
As a Psychologist I can affirm that kid needs to learn limits.
As somebody who is not particularly fond of Tom Petty, I can say his song "Free Falling" should have been the backing track to this video.
Unsupervised children are dangerous b
why the f*ck you are tyring to hold a stupid elevator for anything. Just use when the time comes idiots.
people saying "that was not a free fall".. pffff.. you all are blind? can't you all see that the umbrella free fell when the doors were opened?
I always have to pin point things for you.
what an idiot
This should have never happened. Elevators should not exist at all. How terrifying
As a meteorologist, looking at his clothes I can confirm it was either free fall or free spring out there.
Stop picking on the title! The boy used an umbrella and Joe had a fall. It makes perfect sense! Just watch the news!
I bet he won't do that again . Lesson learnt.
56M insects viewed this video
If I was that umbrella I would have stoped that elevator
Bro let the intrusive thoughts win-