A kind girl brought the puppy to us. At that time, the puppy was cold and in danger. We rushed the puppy to the vet to give him first aid and help.
We called him Happy and what Happy did made us deeply moved and amazed by his courage.
Happy started his new life in the joy and happiness of everyone.
👉 Rescue team: Animal Defenders Panama
🤝 Support at Yappy: @defensoresanimalespty
► Subscribe: https://bitly.com.vn/2mtzgp
Ay no!! Que tristeza!!😢 Porque se lo quitaron a su mamá!! Y porque no lo llevaron con el doctor!! Quien le hizo eso que por su culpa perdió su platita!! 😢 Que personas tan crueles, malvadas y de mal corazón!! Que li han de tener negro de tan podrido que lo tienen!! Bendiciones para éste hermoso cachorrito y para las personas que lo rescataron, Dios quiera que siempre lo cuiden, lo amen y protejan siempre, bendiciones para todos 🙏💖
Are you sure the person who thought to take out the cell phone to take a picture first before helping the pup didn't do it themselves, very suspicious.
God gave us life and animals to be loved by man . X❤❤❤😊😊
They bring us love and joy in our life.why can't we do the same . Please bont hurt tham . There hear as much as us . ❤❤❤❤❤
Que coisa mais linda parabéns pelo seu jesto lindo de adotar Deus vai abençoe muito
Que Jesus faça justiça com quem maltratou esse anjinho
천사야 넌 사랑이란다 꼭 살아서 행복 사랑으로 살아주렴 구조해주신분들 살려 주셔서 너무 감사드립니다
인간 쓰레기들 저런 어린천사를 생명을 함부로 생각하다니 대대손손 천벌바기를얼마나 고통스러울까ㅠ태어난 죄밖에 없는데 그게 죄인가ㅠ
Хто так знущається то щоб їм у 100разів було хуже.бідолашне 😢
Thank you for caring for God's Animal ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Animal cruelty and abuse now stop is wrong all over The world 🌎😢😢😢😢❤❤❤
Stop The evil 😢😢😢😢
Sin palabras! El cariño que recibirás será ellas las que escribirán.
Deus tenha misericórdia desse anjinho de um lar com amor saúde ❤❤❤
Poor puppy innocent indifes noo sofferenz noo abbandoned thank angel human I love dog beautiful 😢😢😢❤❤❤
I observed thing :- 3leg walk of puppy is looking much cuter than 4leg walk of puppy. But tears will come while watching puppy
God bless you 🙏♥️ n d baby.
You people act like it's a human baby, it's just a puppy that you don't know so wouldn't have any connection too so if it dies it dies, why act like it's some life altering thing for you. lol
Povero piccolo angioletto! La mamma, di sicuro non ti ha abbandonato! Come si può lasciare una creaturina nella neve e in quelle condizioni! La cattiveria non ha limiti! Per questi tesori, c'è sempre un'ANIMA BELLA che li salva. Poi, non si parla dei veterinari molto preparati! Grazie alla mamma che insieme, hanno trovato la felicità! Lunga vita ad Happy e mamma 😇😘❤
Спасибо вам большое за помощь животным, ангелочек родной поправляйся, солнышко наше будь здоров и счастлив и любим, дай Бог чтобы все животные были здоровы и счастливы и любимы и обрели свою любящую семью , не обижайте наших братьев меньших, помогайте им, Бог всё видит.
Obrigado por cuidar e amar ele,você é fez diferente a vida do feliz,que Deus os abençoe sempre🙌🏿🙏🏿🍀✨🐾🎉❤️🐕❤️😻❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹
Thank you and godbless❤
Hermoso gracias ❤❤❤
감사합니다 감사합니다 감동적입니다 복많이많이받으세요 행복해라 ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you God for these wonderful people. Please bless them always.