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About the Author: Value Select


  1. Forget Hollywood marketing, big-name stars, or a rich dad.

    When chroma key technology hit the consumer scene, imagination became the limiting factor in film.


    David’s sling against Goliath.

    Value Select was built on that principle; a good idea can outperform the “graphics” of blockbuster money grabs.

    All you need is a laptop, a dream, and that fabled green sheet.


    Now, all you need is an iPhone and Skyglass, and you can transport your passion projects to marvelous worlds, built-in Unreal Engine or otherwise.

    Pair this with CapCut (free) and Adobe Audio Enhance (free), and you’ve got a home studio in your pocket.

    What would’ve occupied an entire production warehouse in the 2000s is now in the palm of your hands.

    I’ve been privately using this technology in my streams and loved it so much, I had to reach out to the Skyglass folks about a partnership. (something I take extremely seriously)

    It’s the perfect fit and a natural recommendation to any aspiring creator looking to creatively stand out in a sea of low-effort “viral bait” posts.

    And to further help this collective quest of raising the bar, I’m hosting a shorts sketch festival dedicated to rewarding and ennobling those creators in pursuit of a more select experience.

    Swing by the VSB Discord to discover more; I’ll be there to recommend any starter equipment for folks wondering how to begin!

    (You can find the Discord portal at


  2. I'm legitimately going to look into Skyglass now. Thank you for the info, my videos don't compete in remotely the same category as yours, but I will try and put this to good use!

  3. But alas, our mere Android electronic devices cannot possibly have the capabilities to own this mystical app of the App Stores you call "SkyGlass". For the tyrant of Google has not provided yet thy Android port for thine cellular phones. I shall humbly watch from afar on thine cellular device.

  4. You are the g, im from a far away land in the southern part of the world which is also in an ongoing economic crisis since forever so i can't come to the shows or buy any merch but you have provided me with selected value for a while now so I'm forever grateful for that and i hope great fortune for you, goodspeed!

  5. (I made my comment on Twitter) but also since then I watched an episode of Archer in which someone did in fact fuck a penguin and I immediately thought of this.

  6. Wow. Smart move from your assistant to immediately alert you to a phrasing faux-pas that would have excluded inclusivity from your speech. That guy looks out for you. 🧔🏻

  7. Huh, i didn't people usually receive spiritual names from their tribe leader during a festival. My emotionally-distant best friend Kyle Chadson, who always helps me hide in my locker from the school bullies and takes my lunch money to keep it safe, gave me my spirit name "dumb bitch" in 6th grade math class. It means "he who lifts dumbbells with the fierceness of a dog" 🙂

  8. Thats so classic. You can be the kindest in town, the best athlete in town, the best cook in town – but you be cheekily irreverent one time and you're a penguin f***er for life.

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