Так они к себе исламнутых запустили и вот результат баланс нарушен. Потом вирус начнут косить лишних сами увидите. Мир сам сделает баланс
Kara Boża za Zielony Lad
Idioten…das ist NICHT Deutschland
Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soonREPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
Translate to urdu
Wo ist das? Jedenfalls nicht in D mit Palmen.
Иисусе Сыне Божий, помилуй мя!
what year was this. i saw your other channels some look like it is mixed with AI designs,
Господи помоги пожалуйста простым людям в этой беде
Please everyone I am pleading with you all, to please repent

The Lord is telling you all to wake-up now, & to turn to Him
By repenting & seeking Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your
sins. Believe with all your heart, in the Gospel of Christ, who
died in your place, so you may have life through Him. Believe
in the coming Kingdom of our Lord, Be born again in Christ &
be saved to everlasting life. This is the gospel of Christ:
John 3:16
ROMANS 3:23-24
Colossians 1:14-15
Ephesians 2:8-9
Matthew 4:17
Acts 16:31
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Romans 10:8-10
John 14:6
Acts 2:38
John 14:15-16
Then take up your cross, follow Jesus & keep His Commandments.
Matthew 22:37-40 GOD bless all who read these words.
PERTINHO DOS FINS DOS TENPOS a ira de DEUS na vida do ser humano
Laa haulawalaa quwata illa billahi aliyil azim.. Inna’lilahi Waina ilaihi raajiuun..

Спаси Вас Бог

Your number 1 subscriber for sure!
Так они к себе исламнутых запустили и вот результат баланс нарушен. Потом вирус начнут косить лишних сами увидите. Мир сам сделает баланс
Kara Boża za Zielony Lad
Idioten…das ist NICHT Deutschland
Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon

REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
Translate to urdu
Wo ist das? Jedenfalls nicht in D mit Palmen.
Иисусе Сыне Божий, помилуй мя!
what year was this. i saw your other channels some look like it is mixed with AI designs,
Zielony ład szfaba
Dados …. were???
Das ist nicht in Deutschland