A Rescued Macaw Gets a Check-Up | Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER

A Rescued Macaw Gets a Check-Up | Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER
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A recently rescued macaw is brought to Dr. K’s Animal ER for her first check-up.
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About Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER:
Dr. Susan Kelleher owns and operates one of the busiest exotic animal care practices located in South Florida, Broward Avian and Exotics Animal Hospital. “Everything but dogs and cats. If it will fit through the door, I’ll treat it!” is Dr. K’s motto. And through the door they come. Rabbits, reptiles and birds of all shapes and sizes, foxes, ferrets, fish, marsupials, and even primates.

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Learn more about Macaws:

A Rescued Macaw Gets a Check-Up | Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER

Nat Geo Wild


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About the Author: Nat Geo WILD


  1. Good luck for the teenager phase. There are good training videos from BirdTricks. You'll need that for when hormones turn your sweet baby into a biting monster ( the period at which alot of owners sell their macaw or put it in a shelter. Nobody likes getting stitches because sweet angel had another mood swing. ).

  2. so how long is she going to live? 50 years?…….so sad these birds are pets! They should be free to fly int the forrest and live with their own kind.

  3. Qué hermoso ANIMALITO. Gracias qué lo rescataron de dónde seguramente no lo cuidaban, ni le daban cariño. 😘😘❤️❤️🙏🙏😁😁🌸🌸

  4. So sweet. Ashley was a rockstar. You can tell how much she cares. Whew that got me all teary eyed! So glad she had a great rescuer and isbon track to a better life.

  5. I love Dr K’s show. To me it doesn’t matter how brilliant you are or that you are a genius none of that matter. Dr K has all of that great . What I see as a the number 1 quality , she has that makes her so great is SHE has heart ❤️ ❤. Every animal is special to her, that is what makes her so great.

  6. I had one of these guys grab my finger once… wouldn't let go either. Wasn't pleasant to say the least, they are quite strong as you can tell. Beautiful bird

  7. These birds are like $5k if you don’t adopt, the fact that they used to eat just peanuts is wild to me. Not that any bird should eat that, just a cost difference comparison

  8. great vet and such a great vet nurse. she was so into her patient – and a great personality. i loved watching her “flying” the bird. 🙂 👩🏾‍⚕️🦜🌷🌱
    i am learning so much about the emotions of birds and totally amazed. their emotional feelings are so sensitive. just look at her laying her head on her new mom. i swear i see an expression in those eyes. she knows she’s safe. 🙂 beautiful vid – thanks 🙂 🦜🌷🌱

  9. How far do I have to travel to have this woman hold my parrot for a vet. I am terrified about having to take my girl to her first vet visit and apparently if I can’t hold her then one of the vet students will (I don’t want a student handling her without having experience)

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