“Thank you paramedics, we love you very very much!” These Palestinian brothers express their heartfelt thanks to the paramedics who rescued them following an Israeli air attack in Gaza.
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Free free Palestine 🇯🇴 🇯🇴🇯🇴🇮🇳
Wow, the kid still has the presence of mind and the presence of heart to wish everyone else is ok. They had supremely wonderful parents.
"So this is what you call God's chosen nation" I no longer understand the common sense of people who say that
Ya allah protect us
Ya Allah ya Robbi
Pray to allah,allah will save gaza and palestine
Hi guys, I just wanna say, that the paramedics were very kind, greetings from Israel.
Israel has the powerfull militry and advanced weapons and why still they can't win against a country like Palestine?
So what's really happening they are killing women and children everyday and still they couldn't take over yet why?
How can Israel and white peoples do this,,
0:14 how is the guy with the phone still alive??? Wasn’t he killed?
I’m in italy and I hate i$r3al bc I’m Sri Lankan may allah love everybody. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸♥️♥️♥️
Ya Allah Reham🥹
I am so sad to see this video
Ya please Allah 😮😮😢😢😢😢 please protect our children and our brothers and sisters in Palestine 😭💔
Dang 😭
বিশ্ব নেতারা তোমরা 100 দিনেও কিছু করতে পারবে না শুরু নাটক করো,কিন্তু আল্লাহ একদিন দেখো কি করে।।। ইসরাইল কে পৃথিবী থেকেই তুলে দিবে মহান আল্লাহ ইনশা আল্লাহ্ সেই দিন আশ করি খুব বেশি দূরে নয়🥰
বিজয়ের হাসি টা ঈমানদার আর মুসলিম রাই হাসবে দিন শেষে দেখে নিও।।।কারণ আল্লাহ ছার দেন কিন্তু ছেড়ে দেন না
ALLAH Hu Akbar 😢 ALLAH Gaibi madad Farmaye in Palestine and gaza walon ki Ameeeeen 🤲🏻🥹
Ho God bless you
As a person who went through the same thing it’s bad but it’s not that bad.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Allah humma solli alla syiadina Muhammad wa'ala Alaihi Wasallam laa illa haaillaah MuhammadUrasullah astagfirullah insyaallah Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar ❤
You don't need to be Muslim to support Palestinian people , you need to be human
Allah hu Akber ✊✊
Free Palestine💛🙏
😢I am so sorry for Palestine
I love gaza and love u chanel ❤❤❤
My birthday is coming up and do you know what I wish??? I wish for Israel to stop bumming Palestine like what did Palestine do?
Uk , Usa , French and Italy : Terrorist
Me : … how it possible …