According to local reports, the storm caused flooding in several regions, including the northern regions of Liguria and Piedmont, as well as in Tuscany and Umbria. In some areas, roads and bridges were washed away, leaving communities cut off.
Italy has been hit by a fierce storm, causing widespread damage and disruption across the country. The storm, which swept through Italy on Wednesday, brought heavy rain, strong winds, and lightning strikes.
The strong winds also caused damage, with fallen trees and power lines reported in many parts of the country. Some areas experienced power outages, while others saw flights and trains cancelled or delayed due to the adverse weather conditions.
The Italian authorities have been working around the clock to restore normality, with emergency services responding to calls for help and clearing roads and streets of debris. The Civil Protection Agency has issued warnings for further potential flooding, and residents have been advised to take precautions and stay safe.
The storm is the latest in a series of extreme weather events to hit Italy in recent years, with the country experiencing heatwaves, droughts, and floods. The government has pledged to take action to mitigate the effects of climate change, including investing in renewable energy and improving infrastructure to withstand extreme weather events.
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