13 SCARY GHOST Videos You Need To See

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13 SCARY GHOST Videos You Need To See – Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeist, paranormal activity, Japanese ghost videos, scary TikTok ghost videos, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are in this list of scary videos. And they are definitely some of the scariest videos on the internet.

In this episode of 13 scary ghost videos, you will see: the 13 SCARY GHOST Videos! These include; A scary TikTok ghost video shows a shadow figure appearing in a haunted house during a seance. A mysterious ghostly apparition is captured inside an abandoned hospital haunted wing. A creepy video shows a ghost car appear on a haunted road. A creepy video shows a man being haunted by a shadow figure in his basement. A ghost appears during a ride down the Riego De Isabela Canales in Puerto Rico. Japanese ghost channel 4th wall shows ghost footage of a spirit caught on camera. Ghost hunter and Paranormal investigator Franko TV visits a haunted house and encounters terrifying paranormal activity. Ghosts, paranormal activity, and shadow figures are in today’s episode plus many more scary things! These are 13 SCARY GHOST Videos You Need To See



00:00 – Intro
00:04 – 13 SCARY GHOST Videos You Need To See
27:40 – Outro


MINDJUNKIE brings you the best ghost videos, paranormal activity, paranormal investigations, ghost hunting, scary things caught on camera, haunted houses, scary tiktok ghost videos, apparitions, poltergeists, demons, shadow figures, supernatural events, and unexplained footage. Anything mysterious caught on camera!

13 SCARY GHOST Videos You Need To See

#scary #ghost #creepy

If you enjoyed this video make sure you check out TOP 30 SCARIEST GHOST Videos of the YEAR https://youtu.be/dRKE0xpbt3U

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About the Author: MINDJUNKIE


  1. That car disappearing is fake af bcz if it was real that dude would've never dare to go down and check where it went he would've floored the pedal to the metal and got out of there not getting out the safety of his own car to where a whole car just evaporated

  2. Amazing how someone in low light in the distance climbing on a roof in the darkness can be considered not a person but only ever a ghost and never a person on a rooftop, ain't it?

    With the 'vanishing car act', why is there an obvious edit rght after the other car pulls up? Seems like this gives them time to back out again and then to rig up a few leds on a black painted high tensile wire frame (which in the old favourite, low light, would be invisible) and especially so since, after the edit, the brightness of the 'car headlghts' is so very much greater than before.

    So many paranormal videos these days can be attributed to the digital camera's inability to pick up figures in low light that it's embarrassing the level of ignorance of this fact in the genersl public and even moreso the people who capitlise on that ignorance by attributing these obvious technical failures of equipment to the presence of 'ghosts'.

    Today's weekly crops of 'paranormal' videos feature this aspect of technical ignorance so often that it reminds me of the time when George Melies utilised double exposures and edits in his films to perform amazing disappearing magic tricks in old 19th century films in a time when the general level of understanding of the way the film medium worked permitted the general public to be readily deceived, en mass (for a while and until they were educated).

    Ghosts are real, but I doubt enough actual evidnece of them are caught on camera on earth regularly enough to feed the amount of ghost video channels that exist on the net with the 'original and legitimately captured material' they offer.

  3. I juat want to say as 90 deaf person i really appreciate the subtitles are accurate it makes watching your videos that much enjoyable keep.up the great work

  4. The doll in 16:14 was setup by the owner to show how easy was to trick people into believing something. He made the creepy doll and change the dancing doll wire connections. Its an old video.

  5. After seeing how easy it is for anyone to use masking software, it’s hard to believe any of these. The first video was kinda crazy and there still are some legit investigators, but most of these videos are legit crap! No offense to MindJunkie and his awesome videos, I know he can’t control the garbage that’s on the internet.

  6. 2:03 – omg! do you see the evil face on the RIGHT?!!!!!!! this is CLEARLY something paranormal that has manifested with the shadow person!!!!
    (let me know down below my comment if you think this is something paranormal or just an elaborate hoax)

  7. All we know is fear helps a spirit manifest. We also know that antagonists often get what's coming to them. First clip is a odd one, if real I would be very interested in a follow up

  8. Hi everyone and a happy Sunday,
    So creepy again.
    Thx for your video.

    I like it always to watching.

    Greetings from Switzerland

  9. the clip with tragic death of a girl looks like her swimming undernearth the recording other ppl but i 'think maybe i saw some other thing back behind them all swimming but had a body made out of water or something not sure but thats just me probably seeing things sad rip

  10. Like the little girl who drowned in the current, I'll never understand why the dead in the afterlife chooses to stay where they met a horrible end. It's so baffling and so, so sad to me.😢 WHY??🤔

  11. Entities do not "Possess" dolls. They use it as a "Conduit" which means they're used for passing through one vessel to another. This I learned from Ed & Lorraine Warren. I would consider this meaning to be a Fact that is definitely reliable information.😊

  12. Why would you want to buy such a horrific looking doll let alone with only 1 eye!!!? Charlotte?! And you keep it after strange things happen again & again?!! Seriously!!??!!. 😅All in all an enjoyable 1 MJ. Always a great watch! Tq MJ. Stay Safe everyone!😊 Its Sunday 2.15 in the afternoon where Im at. Its hot & humid here..the haze doesn't help either! Happy weekend!

  13. 2;02 – It would be funny if this lady was a complete fraud, and she just happened to come across the best evidence ever.

  14. the video where the chic kicks the shadow figure on the wall..i feel like that is real 😳 😆 she horse 🐎 kicked the wall…man her balls are huge 😳 Id be scared to mess with that dark stuff. Unless i had to pull my Jesus card out . But she acts like she deals with demons alot. 😈 yikes..the little girl with the baby doll that moved ..yes i feel thats real 💯 she is genuinely freaked out so much she trips and falls trying to get to her mom or dad. ❤😢 poor thing..dark energies can attach to objects and dolls . Even clothes can hold energy.

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