The Deep State Is Awesome | NYT Opinion #shorts #deepstate

The Deep State Is Awesome | NYT Opinion #shorts #deepstate
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About the Author: The New York Times


  1. În east Europe the corupt politicians have the same speech like Trump, same story. It's allwais "them" the deep state with no names. It's old for us 😂

  2. New York Times. Why did you lie in your article and proclaim Trump was going to though a “trial” in New York, when Judge Engoran did a “summary judgement” which IS NOT AND DOES NOT CONTAIN A FULL TRIAL”. why are you lying to the world? Do you want to issue a correction for your obvious mistake? Do you want to issue a correction and apology for all the LIES you continue to tell?

    I’ve just subscribed, so I can CORRECT YOUR LIES, in your comments sections (including correcting evil and wrong things people say in your comments section that you have been teaching them for years).

    Look forward to me causing HAVOC for you. Liars and deceivers don’t get ANY mercy

  3. Because the Democrats and the CIA, Homeland Security, FBI, etc, love and care about you and not power and money. Like Nancy Pelosi is like a Franciscan monk.

  4. No one mentions the rogue, billionaires like gates, and the George Soros and the Rockefellers, who truly hate humanity. What about the corrupt Hollywood elites of Epstein’s and Weinsteins and corrupt media who corrupt and brainwashed our children for the next generation to come.

  5. To have as your candidate a man with 4 indictments and 91 felony charges saying a lot about the education in this country. Trump's election lies cost fox $787 million.

  6. Hey…The Deep State is EVERY Bureaucrat in the federal AND state governments….AND it's everyone that PAYS those Bureaucrats to screw us over! Trump 2024!

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