The Most Scary And Shocking Videos On The Internet | Scary Comp V.69 ,
in this scary comp of scary videos, creepy videos, Scary ghost videos, ghosts caught on camera, scary TikTok ghost videos, poltergeist, paranormal activity, Demons and Witches Caught on camera, paranormal investigations of ghost hunters and ghost hunting, these are the scariest videos on the internet.
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Great Scary Compilation Scary Comp. Right from the start 0:01 that's very good short horror movie ❤❤❤
And more importantly they need to learn more about Skinwalkers.
I just wish if they think it’s a native American that has passed they would leave them be. Our ancestors need to be left alone and respected.
Guy with the tongue — fake. Blood dripping too far away from guy acting like his tongue was cut out. Nice try.
Yes I heard it you couldn't get any clearer than that hello it sounded real
Yes I watch them boys are pretty good them twins they get some real bites they do
I was enjoying the video until the twin paranormal turned up.
Franco TV are the best
nahh look at 7:02 on the top left corner of the door frame visible through the window and tell me if its the same shadow thing as seen on the door frame upstairs a few secs later 😨
EDIT: it could also be the staircase but i aint sure
Were those video coming from, i need to see a real video at the first clip 00:01
Just found this channel, xxx I can't stop watching. We don't have anything like this in UK 😱🥴😏, Jenna
#1:57 Makayla should use either red or golden potatoes for mashing & if they're as big as the ones she's peeling, she should count 1 & 1/2 per person. It'd save "mashed potatoes for days"!! Or… Make enough for the present meal, then use the rest to make shepherds pie. 🎉❤
#1:20 I feel that we had a mimic in our previous home. Every single time that I was alone, I could hear my in-laws saying stuff…. No one else was there. My father in-law confessed to hearing it, late at night, while he was the only one up & on his computer. It's someone else's problem, now. 😂🎉
It's odd that she wasn't wearing a hood in first video but the others she has a hoodie over her head ??
Interesting clip, but could it be a large dog breed? Phone camera angles can be deceiving. More info is needed.
Its crazy watching these videos where you hear mimics of you, or people you love and you know its not them.
The thumbnail looks scary
Okay, dudes inside the house…nobody went upstairs? There was clearly somebody in that house man.
The lady of the video has what is called a Mimic Spirit in her house. Though these are not known for being dangerous, there's a possibility that they could have malicious intent towards humans. Sort of a Demonic spirit really. She really should get a Pastor to come cleanse her house of the Spirit and then have Him pray a Blessing over it. That should stop any further issues.
A few yrs back I had a really old apple I phone that would just randomly call out my name more than 5 times and it was warning me about Something! Then I was Robbed a week later , That phone would go off and literally talk to me ,and I wasn’t the only one that heard it either .
yo i bricked it when i seen that guy on the ceiling in the very 1st video lol hahahahaha that was class like
It's just a glitch with our parallel universe.
Why on earth is she wearing the hood of her hoodie up in all her videos!! Does she not realize just how stupid she looks standing in the kitchen cooking with it on!!! There's no reason to have the hood up if your inside cooking!!!
20:00 i remember when i was young i would hear my mom calling me all the time but sometimes she wouldn't even be home😭 my old home was haunted
The digital spirit box is fake. It already has a set of words saved and any random things that pop out, people try to relate it to the surrounding or situation. The real spirit box is the one Ghost Adventures were using.
Some lady had fight with her ex he ran her over right in front
Thank you for the video hey did ya see the ghost in back off her up top left come out the cabenit my house is haunted I see stuff moving
Twin paranormal fakes so much its hard to believe if something really does😂they are a" wolf crying" trio that cant be trusted. Too much " twin drama"😂😂they always hear stuff that is never picked up by audio ever😂F FWD😂😂 love the channel and would be better w/o the drama😂😂
Shinaningan box
When you talk to yourself you just might answer as well.
@breakingtheshellblahblahblah. Dude, you look 40. Why do you have green hair? Going for a fake tan later in the year, and want to get a jump on the Oompa Loompa look? Grow up, man.
They 👽👺☠️👹🏴☠️👿🔥💯 live among us 🌎
They're dangerous and deadly 💀
Stay safe and enjoy your life 🧬❤️🤙
The first short wasn't a real phenomon but part of the movie "Grave encounters II", or am I wrong about that? 😮
Let's go ❤