From an eerie clip captured at San Antonio’s supposed haunted train tracks to scary security footage that might show a ghost wandering a museum, this eerie clip has left viewers dumbfounded. #Eerie #Scary #SlappedHam
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6. THE HAUNTED TRAIN TRACKS IN SAN ANTONIO https://www.hauntedrooms.com/texas/san-antonio/haunted-places/haunted-train-tracks
San Antonio’s “haunted train tracks”. https://www.tiktok.com/@el_towers_/video/7090533992264469802
pesadillasparanormal https://www.tiktok.com/@pesadillasparanormal/video/7324896543662820614
jcervantes1984 https://www.tiktok.com/@jcervantes1984/video/7152557788806303022
More context: a man and wife go to train tracks that people say… https://www.tiktok.com/@theparaworld/video/7340068646355504426
5. A mothership has appeared in the skies over western Massachusetts. This mothership came to Earth from a galaxy as far away as the Andromeda Galaxy. https://twitter.com/uBF2fV1cVQxRjQo/status/1763189883546538310
3. cesar_parra_guia https://www.tiktok.com/@cesar_parra_guia/video/7265942405868817669
2. More context: russian guards of museum see ghost on camera… https://www.tiktok.com/@theparaworld/video/7308205896864222510
1. Extraña Sombra o Entidad, Queda Captada En Camara. Esto Al Grabar El Cumpleaños De Una Abuelita. Que opinas..? https://www.tiktok.com/@dimension_paranormalcr/video/7272150967448128774
By Lennon Hutton
Distorted Minds
By Ethan Sloan
By Ethan Sloan
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
🚨 WATCH THE UNSOLVED YOGTZE MYSTERY: https://youtu.be/n9vJ_D_afwU?si=qcWCk4chK3qsW-wK
The last video was on another channel and according to the source, back when the grandma was younger, she had a daughter who was tragically killed but there was no details on what happen. The only thing that was mentioned is that her daughter was known to run around the house.
The first one has been debunked.
Kallen, would you consider uploading Slapped Ham on X and Spotify?
The San Antonio legend was debunked on an episode of Ghost Adventures.
The one with the kids pushing the cars across the railroad tracks its been debunked. While it may LOOK uphill its actually a decline ghost adventures had the grade checked and it's downhill. The prints in the baby powder is just from the cars owners skin oils not being cleaned before they attempted this "experiment"
As another commenter said, surveyors have tested this. This land goes down but look like it goes up. Optical illusion. All cars will roll across tracks. The baby powder will bring up all fingerprints from last few months. But i do absolutely believe in paranormal and experienced it, have even been face to face with a real alien not too long ago. True story
so many babies without powder today in San Antonio, lets pray for them babies 🙏
Salt Lake City is not nearby San Antonio – its in another state. Lake City Texas is 120 miles way from San Antonio.
CREEPY stuff Kallen
If that is the same road it was also debunked on fact or faked. Its a down hill road but the surrounds create an optical illusion that your travelling up hill towards the rail tracks.
This old story of the children pushing your car across the railroad tracks has been spread around to every railroad/highway intersection in the entire country and some in Canada. I don't believe anything about it, anymore.
the voynich has been decoded
1st and 2nd clip are fake , for the 1st clip its been debunked a long time ago that children are not pushing the car , the road is going downhill , as for the 2nd clip.. its NOT a ufo but skydivers doing stuff in formation
4:00 I wonder if there was nearby store trying to work out a way to offload the accidental over ordering of baby powder who come up with this ritual? 🤔
Its a conspiracy from the baby powder makers to sell more powder
The railway in San Antonio TX was debunked by fact or faked: paranormal files
The railroad tracks in San Antonio may really be haunted. Not disputing that. But the so called paranormal events of this video look totally staged and fake. One of those segments there were way too many people making way too much noise.
The number 1 clip looks like abuelas youth. She sits there like "I hate this…why?" Meanwhile her younger self just left. Lol
Yeah. Granny looked real thrilled 😅
I live in San Antonio 😱
They could be hand prints from ghosts, they could be old prints, but If they we're already there and the car got washed, that would probably erase em ? Intriguing scenario
@4:44 "FJB" 😂👌🇺🇸
Grandma looks vexed, probably thinking why the heck am I still alive at 100! That wasn’t a shadow figure zipping pass grandma, it’s probably the angel of death taking the wrong turn, for the 99th time. I thought I was a misery turning 55, but granny wins hands down. Have you ever seen someone so miserable at their own birthday, poor thing
I wonder how many people that tried this first washed their car with degreaser, buffed it, and drove straight to the tracks without touching any part of the exterior. I would expect skeptics to do that and also take a regular leveler and a laser leveler to see if the road has enough downhill slope to cause a gravitational pull of the vehicle over the tracks. If they do all this and they still get handprints in the powder, it helps to confirm the theory of child spirit hands in the powder. If there is no downward slope to cause the cars to roll, that supports the theory that the child spirits pushed the car over the tracks.
There are simply things we do not fully understand.
I live near San Antonio tx when I was in high school in the 80 s I can absolutely tell you this is NOT FAKE . I did it with some friends I saw them put it in neutral we were at a stop completely and all of a sudden the car began rolling across the tracks going g up hill I’ll never forget it .
Hey that's my road
The San Antonio one is pretty much the same exact thing as Spook Hill in Florida.
The ghost in the museum is a woman who passed around one hundred years ago. She used to be a patron of the arts and used to own one of the items that is on display. She enjoys being there and exploring things that have been curated by the museum. She is a harmless guest.
The track, despite looking uphill, is actually downhill. It's an optical illusion. As for the handprints, your hands leave oil on your vehicle, so to prove this, actually take and wash your car first, remove all oils, and then try. And, I'm not believing the ones who filmed the car outside. How do we know the person in the car didn't put it on drive and slightly step on the accelerator? I believe in ghosts, but always look for a reasonable explanation first…
Oh my God I never imagined that slapped ham is gonna talk about of the San Antonio tragedy of the school bus it's a well known story and it's true you can see the small hand prints of children pushing the vehicle
How many times did the car not move?
Regarding the haunted train tracks, I hope someone with a tesla goes over them, supposedly the camera catches spirits. That would be a awesome video.
This guy sounds very nasally. Kind of like a noseal that has a hook.
Looks very Yiddish like a Groucho caricature that cries out when they're hitting you.
Can ewe tell us about that one cults plan to genocide a certain people with their Kalergi plan?
He knows what goyim is. Is it cattle? Does this guy think the European Caucasian people are their cattle?
Wouldn’t the finger prints remove the baby powder not show up as powdered hand prints🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🙄