A Greenville, SC veterinarian and pet photographer aims to simplify her life by downsizing to a modern tiny home with outdoor space for her and her dogs, all within an $80,000 budget. Will she find her ideal tiny home?
House Hunters takes viewers behind the scenes as individuals, couples, and families learn what to look for and decide whether or not a home is meant for them. Focusing on the emotional experience of finding and purchasing a new home, each episode shows the process as buyers search for a home.
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Pet Photographer Needs Space for Multiple Pups – Full Episode Recap | House Hunters | HGTV
These two are hysterical and remind me of my bestie.
I'm impressed by your hard work on this video. Keep up the excellent work and keep growing.
Headline, "his cute puppies" do you know something we don't?
They kill me with this tiny house foolishness. 😂
Many tiny house owners pay for moving. The 450 lot fee was reasonable if it included water and sewage.
The pups will adjust accordingly.
I liked the green house too. Now get some solar and it's perfect 👌
A fifth wheel would be a much better choice. Or a park model home, if she is gonna leave it in one place.
You've got a unique voice!
Those two were so funny.
I know I couldn’t cope with a loft bedroom. I would struggle with the steep stairs, especially at night to use the bathroom.
Get a fifth wheel. Less money, better lay-outs and they're built for travelling. These tiny homes are built with conventional materials and will not withstand being bounced down a road. These are really just small mobile homes. And mobile homes, in spite of the name, are not designed to be mobile. They're designed to be hauled one time, plopped on the site and left there. If you're thinking of moving, ever, in your trailer home, then you need to look for an RV.
There had been many people living in tiny houses and vans with big dogs
So because 2400 sqft is too much, she’s downsizing to 300, with two large-ish dogs?? Well, I wish her the very best of luck
those dogs will have no trouble at all with those stairs
Good choice
So in the end, to heck with the dogs and the stairs. 😂