70 Idiots At Work Got INSTANT KARMA ! Best Fails of the Week
The fact everyone kept playing means this happened before instant karma compilation😂 The protruding one is telescopic. You can only stretch it out when you stand up. Do you find this video funny? If yes, please comment number 1, if not, comment number 2 below. I’m not lying but I landed the same way in my ballet class instant karma compilation. It’s like when someone made me laugh when am drinking water. First day snowboarding was one of the most sore days of your life the following day. People who are that oblivious should have their license immediately revoked instant karma compilation. Their morning drive ended a little differently this time. She was ready to fight for her life. He was so lucky I was not driver of that Toyota instant karma compilation. Least she went the right way, I’ve seen some go the same direction as the leg being held up 😂 The Thanksgiving day parade was windy! I hope he was okay! I think yes, it’s a real stunt! 💪 Hape your nose is not broken instant karma compilation. Nice sound, looks like a complicated wood test. Hope your nose is fine
00:30 – intro incredible moments receive instant regret caught on camera
01:27 – 1 incredible moments receive instant regret caught on camera
03:28 – 2 incredible moments receive instant regret caught on camera
05:21 – 3 incredible moments receive instant regret caught on camera
07:29 – 4 incredible moments receive instant regret caught on camera
09:24 – 5 incredible moments receive instant regret caught on camera
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70 Idiots At Work Got INSTANT KARMA ! Best Fails of the Week
Clickbait junk. Unnecessary commentary. Fake comments. Fail.
LMAO, (17:08), the one with the guy trying to take his shirt off, my wife who does the laundry at our home, one time she mixed up our son's t-shirts with mine, I'm 2-XL, my sons are large. I put on one of their t-shirts, which was in my clothes drawer and strutting around like a proud Peacock, man looking buff. Only to have my bubble popped by my wife, saying I had one of their t-shirts on by mistake, oh you could have heard the balloon deflating.
Edit yourself out mate, or are you running for the government, goodbuy
If this dude would have kept his comments to himself the video would have been 1000 times better, stupid comments ruin it.
The endless apperence of the subscribething, is enough for me not to …
These videos are always very good, but I'm not subscribing until they get a new narrator. This guy's an unintentional clown.
12:19 Hammocks and Down Syndrome apparently do not mix.
Please stop the commentary.
I'm endlessly entertained by this video. It's a wonderful escape from reality.
3:55 I hope everyone on that flight is okay.
Commentary is worthless & unnecessary. All video comments seem to be near identical. Possibly computer generated. Videos alone are good , just play them.
These clips of idiots at work are a reminder to always stay focused and avoid silly mistakes!
Idiots at work make for great entertainment, especially when karma comes back around!
Instant karma is like the universe's way of balancing out the actions of these idiots at work!
Idiots at work never learn, but karma sure teaches them some valuable lessons!
Every time I need a good laugh, I come back to watch 'idiots at work' videos
Watching idiots at work is like witnessing a comedy show in real life!
The level of incompetence displayed by some people in these 'idiots at work' videos is mind-blowing!
These 'idiots at work' videos never fail to entertain me!
If there was an award for 'Idiot of the Year', these folks would be serious contenders!
I am done with you and your click bate
wonderfull thank you
Nice video❤
Watching this video makes me grateful Im not one of those total idiots at work!
Cant believe the level of total idiots at work in this video!
This video is a prime example of total idiots at work!
Total idiots at work: making my day one fail at a time!
These total idiots at work are on a whole new level of fail!
Wow, total idiots at work here! Never a dull moment, thats for sure!
My day just got a whole lot better watching these total idiots at work.
Cant help but shake my head at these total idiots at work.
Hilarious! Total idiots at work always bring the laughs.
Total idiots at work… and I thought my job was tough!
Total idiots at work: making Monday mornings a little more bearable.
Total idiots at work: a comedy goldmine!
Total idiots at work: the gift that keeps on giving!
Total idiots at work: the ultimate entertainment!
I cant even… total idiots at work strike again!
Laughter is the best medicine, especially when it involves total idiots at work!
Total idiots at work: the real stars of the show!
These folks are total idiots at work, but I cant look away!
This is pure gold! Total idiots at work never fail to entertain.
Total idiots at work: where do they find these people?