Please Subscribe ..Dolphins are highly social animals and can communicate with more than 1000 different vocalizations.
Please Subscribe ..Dolphins are highly social animals and can communicate with more than 1000 different vocalizations.
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Came to search for dolphin noises after hearing that fake dolphin noises from a podcast to see if it's true
I never heard such vile words from an animal!! Lol
that animated thing with lipstick is nightmare fuel
Okay, so thanks to our boi, we now know actual dolphins sound like mandrakes.
Они хотят рыбы
Явный попрошайка
I don't like that pic in the corner…
I never thought dolphins sounded like that I always thought they would sound like in SpongeBob
The black dolphin got me laughing 😂
"They like to show their teeth to their captors"
he had a dr🐬m.
WOW i'm love dolphin by azhar
0:23 Bruh! This is so funny!
Did you just say number eleven?
Oh my goodness! Did you just say #11?
I could have sworn that I heard the dolphin at the 1:08 mark say the word goodbye
Omg I cant get enough🥰🤭
Arron rodgers is listening to this.
And funny
They sound weried
سبحان الله بحب الدلافين جدآ
Oh my golly, I love dolphins.
Ugh,so sad for the ones in captivity, all animals should be free.
Idk why but the dolphin at 0:24 reminds me of a crackhead😂
Yer A Dolphin ‘ARRY!
Harry – AaaiiiiEeeeeeek eeek kkkkk tttttt eiiikkkkk
I think they meant she was the dolphin, with all that Screamin, it almost sorta sounds like a dolphin screeching 😅
You know they can tear of hog members of pod while they sleep to keep up swimming to rich makrel waters
The sound of dolphin Can grounding us
Element earth and fire
Sabine Pettitt pacific essences searching
Tk you for sharing ❤❤❤
Click click CLICK c l i ck SCCCREEEEEMMMMM
Dolphin clicks😆
Dolphins are aquatic sea Quagmires the rape, torture, & murder other animals for fun; y’all just let it slide cause they’re “cute.”
The one with the girl hugging it, when it was leaving it sounded like it said "Eep! Goodbye!"
0:24 is so funny 😭😭💀💀💀 makes you forget how absolutely vicious these guys are