INDIANA SANATARIUM: The Most HAUNTED Place In America (SCARY Paranormal Activity Caught On Camera)

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This place is HAUNTED. AND it’s one of the scariest locations we’ve EVER filmed at.
We visited the Indiana State Sanatorium and it is huge, it’s abandoned and it’s filled with extremely evil spirits. Join us as we dive deep into the darkness and face one of our darkest hauntings yet… You’re watching, THE PARANORMAL FILES. #paranormal #haunted #spooky #scary #ghost


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  1. COMMENT "I'm Going Crazy" and LIKE tonight's video for a chance to win a FREE GIFT BAG!! And make sure you're subscribed to the channel (with your notifications on) so you don't miss a single one of our spooky documentaries!

    Try Rocket Money for free: #RocketMoney #personalfinance

    This episode has a lot of heart and soul in it…. and it's truly one of the freakiest videos that I've ever filmed. From phantom thermal anomalies to violent physical activity, this paranormal investigation has it all…. get ready to get REALLY spooky!

  2. Is this for real? We investigated this place and got some stuff, BUT not like this. We got a great gun shot on video in the tunnels. GREAT evidence IF it’s legit.

  3. Colin, definitely one of your best! Your Guests ( the interviews in the beginning) were brilliant 🎉 Because I am secretly Empath, my enjoyment of your videos is not only about how much we love You and your whole Spooky Family, Mamma, Pappa, Courtney and Cutie/Connor ❤……. it still very much relies on how I feel about the people you interview…….Thies guys were great 🎉

  4. In the 4th floor, I had on word listings , of “ground” and forgive me, then son. When you ran static and stopped asked for “ more energy” and whistle! Had a warning, Don’t go in the woods, “they do witchcraft” had many names, a lot as show ran correlated, need to ask if anything outside building , has ever been found in area may be witchcraft! Many said I miss life, the building may now hold evil outside as building with death .

  5. The scariest place when there is we’re I found serial killer tapes behind the boilers in the maintenance room and wondering if he was infatuated with them where worker shot himself I was there on a ghost hunt with medium Chris Fleming group last year and got grabbed and also heard my backpack get unzipped so did he and then medium Chris got an evp on his recorder when I asked if they grabbed me and heard in this low growly voice “yes… I did!!!! I got 82 evps that night in little over 3 hours of audio and recording that had to boost in order to realize they were even there and a lot were just saying help

  6. With all my respect Colin take the time and listen what the spirit want to tell you, I feel sometimes they want to talk and you don’t listen them. Your father is very kind, he seems caring. All my respect for the effort and great job with these videos 👍

  7. Hey , not sure how you got jeff into this with you but i think its amazing . i love that you share these experiences with your family members .im all about that family time , i wish mine like to get creeped out lol

  8. Ive been binge-watching the channel, just found it a little bit ago and I cant get enough! Great show! Also "I'm Going Crazy" <3

  9. Colin so sorry I didn't comment at premier though watched! But had agonizing toothache and needed rest after…I'm sure you understand. But I'm sure during this agonizing 'pain' I'm endorcing through you understand…why at time… didn't comment… But you are the 'tops list' BEST PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR…and so proud to anyone reading this now… know how many steps it took Colin …downdeep …caves and mines… possible 'Skinwalker' territory/caves your the EPIC of paranormal research… and so proud…best results…. continue…..

  10. Change the voice settings so you can better recognize and understand what’s being said by the Necrometer. The creepy voice is very difficult and hard to understand or to decipher the words that are being said.

  11. I think the little brother was looking for his brother and found his brother amongst the 12 men that were farming Allison or Rebecca and that's the girl that the little brother saw killed

  12. The room with all the dead patients stuff – that's the room I want to dig into and organize. I live 45 minutes away. Could be a weekend project for a while

  13. "I'm Going Crazy" Everytime i get done watching the new video, I'm already excited and ready for the next one. Keeo it up, i love your videos and enjoy watching them so much!

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