Today (May21-2021), the Endangered Species Day is observed in many countries around the world by hosting multiple events aiming to generate awareness. With aching hearths we bring you this top 5 of some animal creatures that could disappear from earth for ever.
Please respect animals, and all living beings, love them and preserve them also. It is a shame that by some of our reckless actions these wonderful animals could be extinct very soon. For all species on this endangered list, humans are their biggest threat.
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Created and Edited by Camilo Zabala
Images Pixabay & Flickr
Image #1 Vaquita by Lauren Packard (https://www.flickr.com/photos/110485367@N08/)
Image #2 Amur Leopard by R_Winkelmann (https://pixabay.com/users/r_winkelmann-6830448/)
Image #3 Kakapo by jidanchaomian (https://www.flickr.com/photos/10565417@N03/)
Image#4 Gharial by Bo Link (https://www.flickr.com/photos/knilob/)
Image#5 Tooth-billed pigeon from Wikimedia Commons (https://commons.wikimedia.org/)
Tweaky Hastings by Text Me Records / Jordan Blackmon
YouTube Audio Library License
Data Source: https://onekindplanet.org/top-10/top-10-worlds-most-endangered-animals/
Top five Most Endangered Animals on Earth
#5 Tooth-billed pigeon (380)
Tooth-billed pigeons only live on Samoa and there are currently 70 to 380 left in the world. They are very elusive and rarely seen. Hunting, habitat loss and predation from invasive species has played a big part in their decline
#4 Gharial (300 left)
Gharials are crocodiles from India and their numbers have been in decline since the 1930s. There are only around 100 to 300 left in the wild. Their decline is due: poachers, habitat loss, pollution and entanglement in fishing nets.
#3 Kakapo (140 left)
Kakapos are parrots from New Zealand and they have been brought to the edge of extinction by humans. They are critically endangered with only around 140 alive. They are mainly threatened by introduced species such as cats and stoats.
#2 Amur Leopard (70 left)
Amur Leopards are at risk form hunting, habitat loss and decrease in prey availability. They are one of the most endangered big cats. Their number is now estimated to be only 70.
#1 Vaquita (9 left)
Vaquitas are not only the most endangered marine mammal in the world but also the smallest one. They were classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN back in 1996. By 2019 it was suggested that there are only 9 Vaquitas left around the world. The main menace to them is illegal fishing.
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Top 5 Most Endangered Animals in the World | Species Close to Extinction #shorts
1500 gharial counted in the year 2022 only in the wild india and Nepal.
How many Billions of Homo saps & breeding should go extinct within two years to save the planet & its wonderful creatures. Creatures go extinct every day due to the vileness, greed, cruelty & polluting by Homo saps.
He didn't put sharks they're endangered too because of people wanting to have shark fin soup
Noo not leopard he cute😭😢🥺😤😿💔💔👎
Homo sapiens: only 7.8 billions left.
The white rhino is only 2 left, mother and daughter
Menuda voz
What a shame. More will follow.