Chase DeMayo shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring after he was discovered unconscious in his Air Force dorm room from unknown causes. During his encounter on the Other Side, he describes a feeling of love surrounding his body as he traveled to a beautiful garden where he met Jesus. Chase talks about how his Near-Death Experience was a reminder to reconnect with light, love, and laughter and how he gained a unique healing ability once he returned back into his body from the Other Side.
“Smiling and laughter and being close to people is what I think is the best medicine for us” – Chase DeMayo
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I hope and pray that you come to know Jesus truly. Certainly having fun and really “living” is nice but it’s no where in the Bible. Repentance and following or obeying Jesus is Biblical. Ian McCormack’s 1996 testimony is also of dying and seeing Jesus – but he has gone from an atheist to spending the next 40+ years telling people about the hope of the gospel of Jesus – not doing ballroom dancing….
I pray you will find and follow Jesus for both your sake and the sake of others.
I cant believe this guy. Goes to heaven, says he sees Jesus, comes back to life and doesn't bother with Jesus/become a Christian. His life is all New Age, yoga meditation (Buddhism), him healing people himself….very odd
i too had a near death expierience I had pnemonia coughing feeling so sick. all of a sudden Jesus was at the foot of my bed he had a beard shoulder length hair gold sash and sandles. I felt immense love from him. he talked telepathically to me and said Fix your ways. next thing I know Im in my room sitting up and was totally cured.
I saw death too in 1996. I have asthma, i saw my parents were going to a party all dressed up. Tomd me i need to gi back. Jesus visit me tokd me here have a rose. I came back with a yellow rose.
@christinalandry4087 You clearly don't understand. I explain this constantly so why is it such a difficult concept for religious people to comprehend? The burden of proof is not on me. It is on the person making the positive claim ("god exits"). I need only point out that there is no evidence indicating the existence of god. So it's YOU who have failed to prove your point – that god exists. There is plenty of evidence that contra-indicates the existence of any god.
So what we have is a positive claim from religious people – "god exists". They can present no evidence whatsoever – not one single piece of evidence indicating the existence of a god. Atheists can point to evidence that indicates no god exists.
On top of that absence of evidence can be evidence of absence. If you claim that your home is infested with mice and we set up cameras and never see any mice, if we look for mouse droppings and find none, if we look for mouse urine with UV light and find none, if we look under the floorboards and in the attic and find none, we can logically conclude that there are no mice infesting your home. And that's precisely what we've done with god. Same outcome. No evidence. Your god really loves to play hide and seek, doesn't he? Or maybe he simply doesn't exist.
And why would you insult me by saying you will pray for me to "find god"? What you mean is you want me to start believing in god. And belief in god, faith, is a delusional belief, because there is no evidence to back that belief. So why would you pray for me to switch from having a healthy, rational, analytical mind to a mind afflicted with a mental illness called delusional thinking? Your prayer sounds more like a curse than a prayer!
I also cannot stand the suffering of others; for a long time I've been the only human contact of my sister with schizophrenia (or at least I try) , since my parents and younger sister don't really care in that sense… Now I'm thinking I might be absorbing her suffering, like this guy was doing with people, because I've been feeling physically very tired for many years now and unable to get a hold of my life. But it's very difficult for me to distance myself from the situation since I see her suffering every day and I'm the only one there to help her. In Mexico there are no public psychiatric hospitals were she could be taken care of and I feel it's too much for me. 😓
What a load of rubbish
Thank you for sharing ❤🙏
I died 30 years ago and I felt that beautiful amazing feeling of peace and love wrapping itself around me. I was resuscitated 3 times that day and the doctor said I was a miracle. I don't remember seeing Jesus but he's come to me twice so far in my dreams. ❤
How do you know it was Jesus, did you ask him? maybe it was a distant relative. Other NDE people have met a glowing guy and thought it was God or Jesus, turns out the person was their "guide" and that later find out that guide a a great grandparent or something..
god deserve all praise and glory
Wonderful to be a follower of Christ trails and errors lm nothing without him ❤️ so just ask him into your heart if you chose
Jesus was a great teacher, teaching others about the meaning of life. But few will be taught by Him. Some will cherry pick some of His sayings but not the entire gospel. He predicted he would rise from the dead. But that’s not enough for some and He predicted this too. The Pharisees who paid off the guards to say the disciples stole the body while they were sleeping, knew for a fact that He had risen. But that didn’t stop them from continuing to persecute the disciples. People don’t buy the salvation message of Jesus Christ because it doesn’t make them feel important. And understandably. We all want to feel important.
But sadly they reject the following scripture.
John 14:6 KJV.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Air Force Veteran and SERE survivor here…thank you for sharing this
G l ory to God
I died in 1974 when a dentist overdosed me on sodium pentathol. I rose upward through a tunnel that was dark at first, then swirling colors were vibrant. I came to a bright white light and felt indescribable love. Jesus was on my left. I asked which was the right religion. He said there is no right religion, they are all trying to get to the same place. He told me I had more to do on earth and take care of my daughter. I went down the tunnel, it was dark at earth, I felt heavy and woke on a table in a storage room. A dental assistant heard me and said, "oh my God, you're alive!"
Something similar happened for me, but it was Buddha who got me.
Meditation and yoga are not from Jesus. This is new age stuff mixed up with Christianity.
please stand in prayer for my Son and daughter – my Son has a bad heart and my Daughter has ms and i suffer from old age sickness thank you
All wrong… you certainly were not dead. Isa.26:14, for example… "The dead will not live, the departed spirits will not rise; Therefore Thou hast punished and destroyed them, And Thou hast wiped out all remembrance of them."
God bless you. Jesus loves you. Seek Jesus more in your life. HE IS THE WAY, the TRUTH AND THE LIFE..
Sounds like the Jesus that the little girl painted.
I was raised Catholic, as many Hispanic people are, but I never really subscribed to it. I still don’t. I went through phases of belief and disbelief in God and Jesus, but I absolutely believe now. There is just no way that so many people’s NDE’s have strikingly similar details, including seeing God and Jesus. I absolutely believe. I don’t think it’s necessarily what we are taught in church or texts about it all, I think it’s very different, but when we pass, we go back to where we came from and understand it all again. Thank you for sharing your experience ❤️
His mother did not have him way too young she was 17 and it was meant to be or she wouldn't have had him. He was meant to be here but circumstances are his grandparents raised him
Hallelujah. God is great
I can't wait to see what God has laid on the altars of all of his friends.
You need to keep telling your story people need to know Jesus is real and we do come from him..thank you for sharing your experience
What a load.
Wow,, I can't wait. Jesus sweet Jesus
According to Hebrews 9:27
thats not true
Nobody gets a second chance
There is GOD dead and man dead
Had a similar experience and have the same sense to heal and help everyone. I am an empath and it is comforting to know someone else experienced this. 🙏
I met God the mother and God the father and have never heard of Jesus! Not even Gabriel teaches of jesus! Glad that you have been healed by the light!
❤❤❤i have died and Been with Jesus. He sent me back. 😊😊😊
Amen I love Jesus with all my heart and I know it's done for me and I've been in this position and he brought me back to life and I have a true testimony
I was really ill when I was in my 30s.The doctor said I had to stay in bed for at least a week.That night I was in terrible pain, and my body began to float upwards.After a while my Grandma appeared and she said ,go back Christine,it is not your time yet.Go back love .
I never told anyone for years but when I did I heard about others having similar things happening.
God will not take you until your time is right.God bless him forever ❣️❣️
Thank you so much for sharing ❤️ 💕
So beautiful!! Lots of Love&Hugs to you 💜 🤗🤗
Praise the Lord Hallelujah ❤
I have stage 4 cancer. I would give anything to be healed for my family. Will you help me ??
You was a Ginny pig for the surgeon he is now in the civilian life making bucks
In 1555 my ancestors were chained on a ship called The Good Ship Jesus. The man who walked the Earth 2,000 years ago name was Yeshua Ben Yosef! It is written in the FBI FILES called COINTELPRO during J Edgar Hoover time to discredit The BLACK MESSIAH! Look up this information for yourself if you want the truth.
It's such the same
And I seen the little girl running and it was me when I was young