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About the Author: ABC7


  1. Well i can say my bro who I don't call bro again and i don't look up to he jealous of me and IDGAF for no reason and some of my males in my family is jealous right along with him i still don't give a wat
    I do love them but from a far distance… I don't trust them are like them like that no more…

  2. There should be a competency test so that someone like Tubby Jeffrey cant get a gun if he cant comtrol his beta male emotion. Betas shouldn't have guns.

  3. Messed up situation but you can't help but admire the guy. That right there is a man with true grit the kinda guy that gives his word an you can trust it. Drove 12 hours 12 hours with nothing to do but think . He could of turned round at anytime an went home but he had a mission an he completed it whatever the cost

  4. The police didn’t want to go into the burning house due to the smoke! Luckily one officer did since the brother’s wife was still alive inside and was rescued. The two family dogs not so lucky.

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