Ultimate Close Tornado Compilation
Tornadoes are a truly breathtaking sight in nature.
While they can be magnificent to watch from a distance, if you are caught in one, it could be a life changing experience.
This is the case for many residents that live in Tornado prone areas of America.
Tornado Alley is a one such area, where Tornadoes are a common occurrence that people learn to live with.
As the USA approaches the peak of the 2023 tornado season we thought we would bring you a special compilation of tornadoes from the 2022 season, all the way through to the current 2023 season.
Sit back, grab a coffee or a snack, and watch some of the most amazing tornado footage you are ever likely to see on Youtube!
#TornadoCompilation #TornadoFootage #TornadoUSA #DeadlyTornado
#Disasters #Storm
🎼🎵 Music:
Song: Aliaksei Yukhnevich – Empire on Fire (No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Tunetank.
Free Download: https://bit.ly/3fkwxO8
Video Link: https://youtu.be/02UTBLSJAC0
Ultimate Close Tornado Compilation
This channel will show natural disasters and weather in the world every day with the latest footage.
Natural Disasters:
Earthquake, volcanic eruption, mudflow, landslide, landfall, avalanche, volcano, lava, sel, crash, collapse, Flood, tsunami, limnological catastrophe, floods, flooding, Forest fire, peat fire, glass fire, wildfire, tornado, cyclone, blizzard, hail, drought, hurricane, storm, thunderstorm, typhoon, tempest, lightning, rain, temperature, tropical storm; bomb cyclone, winter storm
Ultimate Close Tornado Compilation
More compilations on the way soon!
Mother nature just loves destroying the US.😂
That got my heart pumping! The last few were super crazy
3:17 I can't believe how violent this moment is. Anyone standing there would be shredded.
It’s mesmerizing so you have to really keep your wits about you. And it’s good to have someone close by to say let’s go.
Personal experience.
This is why I always carry a camera with me. The camera man always survives.
To the people who live in places that get Tornados and its just become the "norm" yall are built different.
Anyone know the song that starts at 1:36?
Watch and pray for the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet. Which is the little horn out of the roman empire, the Pope! He will step into the temple and proclaim himself as God, thus starting the Great Tribulation for 3 1/2 years and then the Lord will come!
Follow the Lord's laws and commandments while you still can. Turn away from these pagan holidays, Sunday Worship that has nothing to do with the Lord's 7th day Sabbath! Keep the faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and repent from your sins with all your heart and might! The time is at hand, the night is far spent…. Terrible times are ahead of us and they have already started… I pray for anyone who reads this, may the Lord increase your wisdom and understanding and peace in Jesus' mighty name! Amen 🕊️
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 (KJV) ✨ Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. ✨
✨ For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. ✨
Man that china one almost took me out 😮 damn dude 😅you so crazy🎉🎉
We think we own this planet, but we are little more than ants when faced with nature.
oh gosh. oh lord! OH SHIT!!!
stop using bullshit clickbait thumbnails and let the actual tornadoes speak for themselves ffs.
Everything is possible
Ryan TY ydfhrvdhdyhdbf NM d
4:59 tornadoes that look like they're twisting in place are the worst! You don't know if it's heading away from you… or right towards you… until it's too late. And the sound!!!
3:45 I thought that SUV would make it.
1:28 I do not know how that person stood outside watching the 🌪 snatch his fence away before taking cover.
1:40 that school being overtaken by the 🌪from different angles…whew!
Those Chinese people had no sense: standing right there in front of all that glass with that monster bearing down on you. You wouldn't believe how fast I could run to the other side of the house with a mattress in tow that I'd be under in matter of seconds.
The guy in the first clip was not afraid to die
Couldn't pay me to live in Kansas.
Think you are nuts for being so close to it ….if it comes your way …Ur screwed. Your not gonna be able to get out fast.
Poor people ❤
6:25 I've seen almost all of these but this one in China is fake.
The first one looks like the Andover tornado.
beautiful tornados
#Ayat Ayat Satria Piningit
AlKitab Yesaya
30:28 Hembusan nafas TUHAN seperti sungai yang menghanyutkan, yang airnya sampai ke leher.
8:7 sebab itu, sesungguhnya Tuhan membuat air sungai yang kuat dan besar, meluap-luap atas mereka, yaitu negeri dengan segala kemuliaan; Air ini meluap melampaui segenap saluran dan mengalir melampaui segenap tebing,
8:8 serta menerobos masuk, ibarat banjir yang meluap-luap hingga sampai ke leher; dan sayap-sayap banjir yang dikembangkan menutup seantero negeri, hai orang beriman !
64:8 " Dan sekarang, Ya Allah, Engkaulah Tuhan kami! Kami tanah liat dan Engkaulah yang membentuk kami, dan kami sekalian adalah buatan tangan-Mu.
64:12 Melihat semua musibah ini, ya TUHAN, masakan Engkau tidak menahan diri, masakan Engkau tinggal diam dan menindas kami amat sangat?
64:6 Demikianlah kami sekalian menjadi layu seperti daun dan lenyap oleh musibah seperti daun dilenyapkan oleh angin. Seperti orang najis dengan segala kesalehan kami seperti kain kotor!
37:20 Maka sekarang, Ya Allah, TUHAN kami, selamatkanlah kami dari tangan angin badai, supaya segala kerajaan di bumi mengetahui, bahwa hanya Engkau sendirilah TUHAN.
64:9 Ya TUHAN, janganlah murka amat sangat dan janganlah mengingat dosa kami untuk seterusnya! Sesungguhnya, pandanglah kiranya, kami sekalian adalah umat Satria Piningit-Mu.
33:2 Ya TUHAN, kasihanilah kami, Satria Piningit kami nantikan! Lindungilah kami setiap pagi dengan tangan Satria Piningit-Mu, Ya selamatkanlah kami di waktu kesesakan!
26:16 Ya TUHAN, dalam kesesakan kami mencari Satria Piningit; ketika hajaran-Mu menimpa, kami mengeluh dalam dosa dengan doa "
46:13 " Keselamatan yang dari pada Satria Piningit-Ku tidak jauh lagi, sebab Aku telah mendekatkan dan kelepasan yang Kuberikan tidak bertangguh lagi; Aku memberikan kelepasan dan keagungan-Ku kepada Satria Piningit.
51:16 Aku menaruh firman-Ku ke dalam mulut Satria Piningit dan tidak piningitkan Satria Piningit dalam naungan tangan-Ku lagi, supaya Aku kembali membentangkan langit dan meletakkan dasar bumi, dan berkata :" Semua bangsa adalah umat Satria Piningit-Ku!"
52:10 TUHAN telah menunjukkan tangan Satria Piningit yang kudus di depan mata semua bangsa; maka segala ujung bumi melihat keselamatan yang dari Tuhan
Alkitab Daniel 11:21 Menggantikan Presiden Jokowi muncul seorang yang mulia, yang bermartabat raja; tetapi dengan tak disangka-sangka Satria Piningit datang mendapat kedudukan sebagai Presiden di Indonesia !
You would think stuff would be built better to withstand such weather
that,s adsolutely TERRIFYING❤️
Ya masih belajar, sebelumnya Perguruan malaikat, skrg tugasku,,
Masih belajar,, masih uji coba, belum kekuatan tertinggi
house go byebye 6:20
the one at 4:30 was so scary
i love tormado i don know why
People sometimes confuse stupidity for bravery.
My God. Scary stuff man. Great footage! I live in Key West Florida. Living there I see a lot of hurricanes a lot of hurricanes. I’ve been here for over 20 years. And I’ve stayed for every single hurricane. But nothing I’ve seen in any of those hurricanes can compare to what I’ve seen in this footage.
Does the government pay for your losses then?
Тот, кто снимал торнадо вблизи на камеру – ещё жив? Или это его последнее видео?😢 Бессмертным себя считает, наверное!
Why do people build houses made of wood in these places??
The security cameras: “✊JUST. HAAAANG. OOOOOON. 🎥 🗿”
Didnt warn us abt the loud noises did you?
and china again has to fake an tornado
Roses are red violets are blue but an EF0 is bigger then dat(no like seriously)
Ok but 4:38 was insane…