A compilation of a compilation of all the compilations from Journey to the Microcosmos.
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Hosted by Hank Green:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hankgreen
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/vlogbrothers
Hosted by Deboki Chakravarti:
Hosted by Sam Schultz:
Music by Andrew Huang:
Journey to the Microcosmos is a Complexly production.
Find out more at https://www.complexly.com
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It's undoubtedly a compilation
What a TRIP! ❤
Very interesting theory of what Life is. It raises many philosophical muses.
im not in the mood to be creeped out maybe later wow!!!
Do you have any human/animal cell videos?
Please release A Microcosmos OST. Please
Absolutely no particle of gold can have different properties similarly no part or portions of infinite can be different from infiniteness. In sanatan Hinduism we call it Shivohum or sham bramhasmi. In all other religious belief God all, divinity is everywhere and in everything. Actual infiteness is different from maths and science infinite.
Took me a few days to get through this, but it’s always a delight. Some repeat videos meant I watched certain sections for the third or fourth time, but I don’t mind. Interesting and entertaining as always.
I’m hooked on this channel!!!! ❤
This video is how I envision Hell. I think Heaven and Hell are concepts, not places… but the concepts playout here on Earth, because that's where human concepts exist. Hell is a constant cycle of being devoured. It takes a long time for a consciousness to go through this cycle and emerge into a less chaotic existence. The great consciousness reset. Then the consciousness progresses through more complex forms and eventually making it to more visible sizes. Then on up through insects and on up to greater life forms. Sometimes making it all the way to mammals. The theory being that each step is less chaotic than the last, usually because of greater powers of perception. I believe there is a certain amount of vague information retention, that can help a consciousness advance. Kind of like when a person who believes in reincarnation, will call someone an "old soul". Meaning that they somehow seem to have an awareness that others do not. I blame this effect on the different paths (and the different lengths of those paths) that consciousness takes to reach its current spot in its eternal journey.
My definition of life is something that can perceive one moment, and then perceive the next moment, and then be able to remember the difference between the two moments, even if the only difference is chronological. We are mired in an existence of cause and effect and currently those are the limits of our perception. That is why the observation experiments in physics are so enticing to me. It may be an arena where cause and effect goes out the window. It could be a path to the Heaven(ish) effect that would end chaos. Even though to our current limited perception, it seems to exaggerate chaos.
Concerning observation: I believe observation is essential to existence. With no life anywhere to perceive… nothing exists. I believe that life's evolution and the cosmos's evolution go hand in hand, and either both began at the same time, or they have no beginning, or… beginning and end are simple concepts and all that we can currently perceive (cause and effect), and once we are a more perceptive lifeform (or some other more perceptive lifeform appears), then the concept of a beginning and an end my seem ludicrous, in the same place it once seemed essential.
I love this Compilation Compilation | Compilation
If you think i am going to spend 4'28 hours watching microbes dying, you are absolutely right.
Would you say everything is everywhere… All at once?
I came for the googly eyes. I stayed for the knowledge 🥰👍
how do you use the different excitement lights? with different filters? which one ? and can i use it whit my OMAX microscope ?
I think this is a compilation
8:17 would you believe i find this sad. poor little things. i’d much rather seeing them being “born”. sigh😢
…yet intrigued?…
I feel disturbed >_>;;
Others clicked for the googly eyes, I clicked for the excessive runtime
Thank you so much for this one!
EDIT: 1 hour in …. it's all the same, social, local, politics, "singles in your area", regional, state, country, tectonic, global, spherical, nucleus (the star – dont even get me on that topic), nucleus system – galaxy > ?
🔴 Absolutely well done and definitely keep it up! 👍👏👍👏👍
Thanks from thailand
We need a big compilation like this with some space wave instead of narration.
lmao its not mysterious i said bats are disgusting to eat so asains took my bat protines away, and the only way i will be able to recover is if i eat bat soup 😂
Enough inception layers of "compilation" in the title huh? Lol
hello, I don't know if its appropriate to leave a comment here but I make short form content (directly inspired by you <3) and I'm have issues with my upload quality, any chance you guys have any advice?
finally… my sleep playlist perfected
Life is amazing
People who fixate on death usually have underlying mental health issues. Are you ok?
I don't know if this was supposed to be the april fools joke, or if it is a present for all of us to make up for all the april fools jokes we went through, but I'll take it <3
I enjoyed this video. Nicely done.
Such beauty in such unexpected shapes
And the next video you have to answer a lot of questions to those tiny creatures, how long, where they live, specific skills…
Way too much talking, not enough showing
cool thanks, ill use this video on mute as background something to look at when im hosting a party at my place (when i just don't use my microscope hdmi camera hooked up to my 55 inch tv lol)
DNA-information is immortal, there is no death, only transformation of material governed by DNA
I did not expect a rusty venture.
Dirty little tardigrades.
We’re all just food trying to not be food but taking advantage of other food until we become food, man I’m hungry.
Next time a hippy tells me to reach equal librium I’m replying, not today 😂
ohh its just so much beautiful and disgusting at same time and all of it at once everywhere….just kill me 🙏
It's a Pseudoprorodon, Charlie! A magical Pseudoprorodon!
The set of all sets vibes