Counting down some of the craziest, creepiest and most notorious cryptids and mysterious creatures caught on video.
► Credit
10. https://bit.ly/2VrF5K6
9. https://bit.ly/3avE0Fw
8. https://bit.ly/2S1Pr1n
7. https://bit.ly/34XKls4
6. https://bit.ly/3aBfO4M
5. https://bit.ly/2VVSZDA
4. https://bit.ly/2x5bOM8
3. https://bit.ly/3eIeEYm
2. https://bit.ly/2Y4cCf0
1. https://bit.ly/2yx31my
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I absolutely love your channel I'm a big fan I have watched every video and listen to every story you have ever posted if you are my number one Creepypasta or cryptic storyteller your voice is absolutely perfect thank you for all the stories you have told throughout the years if you're in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and in South Philly I urge you to come to gooey Louie's at 231 McClellan Street in South Philly I will treat you to lunch to the best cheesesteak Philly can ever produce your friend and subscriber donuts2155 Edward Stuart from South Philly

Finally!!! Some one goes after what they have seen,.too many grown men running away screaming,in most videos
The crow is just hanging out with his wings resting down at his side -_- they do this sometimes lol
That was my little brother with shorts on his head… walks just like that
Looks like a rake
Second vedeo its a dwarf it walks like it
I believe the 1st vedeo is ghost
It's amazing that no one has a tripod or even a monopod, a good flashlight and a pistol.
Shut the hell up and let us watch it don't force your point of view on us….. Worst video on YouTube
Nothing will ever top the Patterson Gimlin footage, which was 100% authentic.
Idc the third one I believe isn’t that kid they interviewed. The kid didn’t look nowhere near how this footage did.
Number 6 is CGI. Not even particularly good CGI as it lacks sub-surface scattering and ambient occlusion. the shadow density and specular highlight colors don't match either.
The narrators voice is hilarious though.
As always, fake, nothing really about any of these.
I’ve seen every single one of these videos on other channels, & you didn’t provide any new information or insights on any of them. WTAF. Lame, dude. And your presentation was not even all that good, either. And that’s just sad.
Me,sees dobby run and jump under a car: removes socks "pst pst pst dobby elf fairy dude, it's OK! Come here!"
second one is just the camera glitching i think
What's with house elves and paved areas?
the "chicken-alien" on the runway is the family's son. There's video of him recreating this for a news team and it's obvious that it was him
The highest on the list is the unclaimed, heinous fart.
Number 8 and number 6 and definitely Dobby the house elf and you can’t change my mind lol
People like you cause the most damage. You don’t realize it but you’re empowering simple solutions you find some comfort in which is an illusion itself. Find pride in absolute scientific method not a human based emotional setting but truly understand why this is happening and know why it’s possible. Life is a bit more complicated then paying taxes and dying.
Technology shouldn't be confined to only functioning devices but also in the big pharma opiate based drugs and compounds which I'm sure has and is being researched and developed with patent applications and approvals being the observable evidence.
Your example for the 9th you say could be a ghostly apparition, possibly but also could be technology that apparently Toyota patented(cloaking device) if those who doubt my testament. Peculiar for those who don't consider current technology and civilians tech is obsolete tech so military should be considered. For number 4 I'm glad you brought up chimera and other laboratory uncertainties but how about nuerolinked artificial intelligence replicas and spy devices as look what the military budget is(wef fiat currency and debt slavery with communist agendas) in the billions and the unaccountable black budget. Who would or could look passed what's recently occurred with the war criminals and their illegal immoral lockdown and other human rights violations, they mandated poisonous jabs and now the consequences of this, what a fast. Virus is Latin and what is that translated into English (apparently poison).
Only truth prevails.
so where's the guy in the bigfoot suit?
Cryptids are not known "only" annecdotaly at all. They are known because someone has to have encountered them at some point.
You suck
This is stupid
I was gonna finish this but… that voice
#2 could be a drunk taking a dump in his back yard
The first one could be a tall drunk trying to get close to a moose.
Thanks for the cryptid video Mr C
Rubber Johnny escaped!
The first one is a crack in the bloody windshield xD
Number 3 looks like a fox
all of these video's aren't cryptids positively, only the 1 with the moose has potential and i doubt it
What’s up with his voiceuh
Why is that all these videos are always out of focus, shaky, or not focused long enough on the subject?
They somehow un subbed me!!! Wth well Im nack now!
It’s 2023. Why is every video footage blurry.
Hi Mr.
, #8 Lööks Like #6.. I Would Really Like to Sëë More of The House Camera Footage in #8 & The Parking Lot in #6.. I Would Have Bent Down to Sëë Under The White Car.. 

From Ont, 
Thank's for Posting
The only thing scarier than a Cryptid is this guys voice.
Second admendment bitches
S.P.E.W strikes again (number 8)
Number 1 – who is taking the video? That thing doesn't see him?
Number 8 is literally just Dobby