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#gettysburg #weirdworld #ghosts #unsolved #mysteries
The town of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania is one of the most haunted locations in the United States. Over three days, ending on July 3 1863, intense fighting at a key point in the American Civil War cost the lives of more than 7,800 courageous Union and Confederate soldiers. Tens of thousands more were injured and maimed. It’s little surprise then that a multitude of paranormal experiences have been reported at the Gettysburg National Military Park. Sightseers and psychic investigators have photographed strange images, recorded eerie phenomena and filmed mystifying ghost videos there. Here are six of the most haunted places in Gettysburg.
Music From AudioBlocks.com, Pond5.com
Outro Credits:
Greenscreen Thunder Storm HD
Intro Song: Gut Feeling by Ben Kopec
Rain Drops on Glass Window -1080p Green Screen
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My local pub is haunted had a pint and it was headless 🤣
I seen a ghost, spirit or apparition once in broad daylight, I was working as a groundskeeper for a local graveyard part time, I was mowing one day and seen a little boy around 3 or 4 yrs old staring at me from around a tree.
We made eye contact for about five seconds and when I blinked he was gone, he looked like any normal little kid, but was dressed in clothes that looked like from the 1930’s or 40’s. He wasn’t transparent and looked like if a little kid was standing there but had a blue hue to him.
When I got back to the grounds shop I told one of the guys that had worked there full time for years about what I seen, he sat and listened to every word without interruption.
When I was done he said with a straight face and no hesitation (yeah, you’re gonna see and hear things with no explanation, they won’t hurt you and they’re just curious as to what we do here).
Been there and felt it in the middle of the day. My imagination? Maybe.
Entirely possible considering all the death that happened there.
sand time glass for authentic platforms
What a load of wank
I don't believe in ghost but it's still spooky and fascinating!
Man why is it so haunted. You would think that they would want to move on and not be stuck in the middle! Just awful. They must have done something terribly wrong not to be able to cross over imo.
If only those who want to sow disruption and disunity in America today could be bussed in and left on the battlefield for a couple of nights, we might gain new material for the political and cultural animosity currently dividing our national discourse.
160 year anniversary The Battle of Gettysburg. It is not allowed to give ghost tours in the national park. Amazing how many ghost tour companies there are in the city of Gettysburg. July 1-3 1863 each day horrific battles took place. July 1 attack in the unfinished Rail road north west of Gettysburg. July 2 attack late afternoon southwest of cemetery ridge, little round top, and culp hill north east of cemetery ridge. July 3, Pickett charge. Because the fences and area barns were destroyed livestock littered the battle fields and the dying and wounded men had to fight off farm animal attacks during the nights. Horrible conditions, hot weather, death.
I've heard the Elevator story. And saw it on an episode on the Travel channel. This scares the crap outta me every time I hear it.
Western MARYLANDER here! Check out Antietam Battlefield in Sharpsburg Maryland! September 17,1862, 23,000 soldiers died in a single day! What they fail to tell you is that 8 women, dressed as men also fought in that battle, the bloodiest single day battle of the Civil War! 7 fought for the UNION ,two as young as 15 years! A dead Confederate woman was found in the Cornfield by a Massachusetts Burial party. Burnside Bridge, Bloody Lane and the Cornfield are pretty active! I highly recommend a visit to Antietam Battlefield!
Every time I have had the opportunity to visit Gettysburg I've had different, but unique, experiences or encounters. I highly recommend Gettysburg at least once in your lifetime you won't be disappointed!
You said 7,800 dead try 78,000 men died you cant butcher that number sir that insulting to those who lost there lives on that field
I don't believe in ghost but Gettysburg is the place where I want to go
I want to go to it
There are supposed to be ghosts at the Battlefield of Edge Hill, and the first ghosts were seen within 5 years of the battle!
However, some of the ghosts seen were of thoseactually known to be still alive?
For a possible explanation, watch a BBC film called 'The Stone Tape'!
That voice sounds familiar…is it Paul from Well, I Never?
If the Saches bridge was built in 1864 then no one could have hanged from a bridge that didn't yet exist.
Ghettysburg Battle was in 1863.
So, essentially, a lot of stock footage and stories. No ghost sightings whatsoever. Y'all have got to stop posting these fake and clickbait videos. Seriously.
The “ fog” pictures are what they look like. They just don’t have the energy to fully appear. I think there’s more spirits in the town, then the fields. I grew up on Gettysburg Ave in Fresno/ Clovis. Ca.
A battlefield with so many people so close together, experiencing death and horrible trauma is gonna be filled with residual emotion and energy. It's hard to believe a place like that isn't haunted!
I was driving on Rt 20 in Orange County, Virginia I believe it was a Saturday morning around 9 am. I was about 4 miles south of the Battle of the Wilderness and in the area of the Mine Run Campaign. As I traveled down the highway there was a Union soldier standing just inside the wood line along a portion of road where nothing much was around. He was in full uniform, had a musket and was as solid as you and I. At the time I never thought twice about it. I suppose because there's so much Civil War history everywhere around the area and I also relic hunt. Thinking about it afterwards I really have to wonder what exactly did I see?
Ghosts… 😂
I never understood how ghosts are seen as they werr in life? How could the clothes they were wearing somehow manifest? I never understood it. Its not like their clothing, or items such as ammunition have a spirit/soul? How? Why would they not just be balls of light/energy? Makes no sense at all.
Gettysburg must be one of the most hauntingly beautiful places in the world. Not for paranormal reasons, but for the utter brutality that took place on that gorgeous land. It’s a beautiful place, but it makes you feel heavy.
the sacks bridge there now is not the original bridge.. the original bridge was flooded out way back in the early 1900's and they rebuilt it sometime later
i saw a silvil war ghost at my unuats house but she live on a sivil war path
Spooky about the musket ammo.! Do you think the old man was John Burns, 73 yr. ol d resident of Gettysburg who helped Union soldiers in battle w/ his old musket? Quite possible that it was. I think it was great that President Lincoln sought out Mr. BURNS when there to give his great speech. Gettysburg has such a reputation for hauntings that I think I would believe almost any story! My favorite story is the one about the 2 college administrators who rode down an extra floor on elevator and saw wounded Civil War soldiers and a doctor doing an amputation! in basement. When they returned a bit later w/ a "witness" nothing was there!!! I'm not sure I would have shown up for work after that! NORMA JEAN History Lover☆☆
The movie crew had filming issues at times and random soldiers poping up I've read.
The Ghost Child and Devil's Den are incorrect in terms of text and story. ✌️
I think I might be crazy, but is anyone having issues with the titles of each number not matching the topic? Honestly not a huge deal since the video is great regardless.
Does the old guy ever run out of original ammo to hand out? Must be hard to keep stocks up! 😂
Only certain people can see those images, it's a gift your born with
calling BS on this since air cant carry any metal etc.
I dont believe no 5. How can a ghost hand someone a tangible object? Thanks this is very interesting.
Over 51,000 soldiers were killed over the 3 day battle not the 7,000 that you stated! If you can't even get this right, how are we to believe anything else you say?
I saw a ghost before…They are real..
This talk about ghosts is strictly (BS). I went on a ghost tour & nothing happened at all. The group I was in heard nothing but (BS) stories ' I've been to a lot of places in Gettysburg as I do not live that far from it. True, the battle was fought there & that's it, no ghosts of any kind in the
after math @ all(BS). The town was named after James Getty who lived there first & even he doesn't
come around.
How come no one mentions the fighting & dying soldiers that fought at Valley Forge, Pa under the
command of General George Washington, that was a blood bath too. If u check your history 12 major battles were fought in Pa.
Brandywine 9-11-1777 British Victory
Paoli 9-20-1777 British Victory
Philadelphia 9-26-1777 British Victory
Germantown 10-4-1777 British Victory
Fort Mifflin 11-10-1777 American Victory
Chestnut Hill 12-4-1777 Draw
Barren Hill 4-24-1778 American Victory
Philadelphia 6-18-1778 American Victory
Wyoming valley 7-3-1778 American Victory
Upper Allegheny River 8-11-1779 American Victory
Out of these 10 major battles plus Valley Forge making it 11 & Gettysburg making it 12 why is it
that all the so ghosts end up here in Gettysburg & nowhere else.
I did not see any pic of ghost. All you did was talk. I stopped at #3.