A haunted school, a child and his invisible friend, UFO over Poland, a terrifying attack, mysterious hauntings, and much more! Enjoy the video!
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#scary #paranormal #ghost #scarycomp
I happen to believe that strange things have been happening to people for thousands of years. It's just that only now, with video phones and CCTV cameras, much more of these phenomena are coming to light. Of course, they will always be people who will put up fake stuff to get more views. And it can be hard to tell what's real and what's fake.
Acting only trying to make this video real hunting ghost 😂😂
salut Scary, vraiment flippantes tes vidéos, en plus je les ai peu vus.. du pur frissonnage.. sinon bonne continuation mon pote..Fr
218 shadow of someone hiding on door jam..
the area51 video, is it just me, or am i perceiving a prototype ironman suit being testdriven in the middle of the night in the middle of a desert? i know i would, if i had one.
Ghost walked into the room and just randomly knocked the water bottle off the table. Then gradually walks back out. 😂😂
In the first video, i can understand pulling phone out to video whats going on and being used to the happenings so that why she calm but i dont understand how you can hear dog barking then whining , why she didnt go check on them.
25:30 This looks to be someone geeking on drugs
Every video u have showed Here I've seen everyone of these on other sites nothing new here
Did you ever make the full episode of the woman that was possessed??? 👀
I’m the 1st video.. WHAT kind of bravery do you need to just stand by watching paranormal stuff happening around you and you’re not FREAKING TFO.. I have absolute real phasmophobia and I only watch these videos to give myself severe anxiety.
Even the dog can send it 😮
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🔴STOP. There are NEVER ghosts of family members! NEVER ghosts of any humans. We are NOTHING like these demon entities. We rest while they do not. Get out of BLISS.stop choosing ignorance. Wisdom gain is the beginning to all truth.💥
What you expect?..your playing Pokeman! Characters are representative of actual deities!!! I know ignorance is bliss but come on!!!🔴🔴
🔴STOP. There are NEVER ghosts of family members! NEVER ghosts of any humans. We are NOTHING like these demon entities. We rest while they do not. Get out of BLISS.stop choosing ignorance. Wisdom gain is the beginning to all truth.💥
hmm brzmisz znajomo 😉
At 02:14, did anyone else see that shadow that moved off to the right?
Mt sinai is in Arabia Galatians 4:25 https://youtu.be/O-j9y_vahGo
4:04 yeah that’s a teacher getting plowed in a classroom. Probably thought the school was empty so they were going at it
2:19 fake, you can see a shadow from someone behind the camera on the wall before where the chick is standing
Why is Area 51 allowed to keep top secret highly classified. What if it was against us? We will never know what could be used against us? Or not?
First video I have seen this before and there was audio on it of a entity yelling couldn't hear it during the filming they heard it after watching it😮
In the first video I hear dogs and puppies whining are they ok or did she even check on them, do you know, let me know please I'm worried about those fur babies 😢❤
What is that thing in the upper left corner?? Bs
The first video looks like is from Mexico or from a mexican family, it looks legit to me.
UFOs come from inside the earth..not outter space.there demonic period
why is this happening to white people.
#13 could be that she has taken ambient sleeping meds. People have been recorded doing some very strange things. Just a possibility.
In the first video, what is that thing on the top left of the ceiling ?
Awesome content scaryfy ❤ keep them coming freaky deaky as always scaryfy ❤
People hear 1,0000 times not to open the f door. No they all do, then don't cry then
0:40 Is this a woman's voice "…Any, any, any, eat." ?? Then pulls back the dinner table chair as if to sit down to eat
I think I may have found my new favorite channel fantastic work guys I love the channel❤❤ I love the narration and commentator he doesn't talk for a very long time and explains just what needs to be. Yep I'm sold winner winner chicken dinner just channeled it is fyer 🔥
People think a great way to get a cow to produce milk is to kick it twice a day. While this does work, for maximum milk production, kick it in the gut seven times an hour. Then you will maximize the amount of milk you can get from that cow.
I don’t know about the first video being authentic the lady on there just seems like she doesn’t know what to do because she’s not an actor. She’s not even a bad actor she’s just not responding at all because it’s fake.