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This was a violet fight 😬 18:31
There are plenty teachers that are bitter pathetic nightmare creatures.
I have a story, although I wouldn’t consider it particularly wild. So to fill in some necessary information, this is in the UK, and straight after schools were reopened after lockdown. I have a friend that I’ll refer to as T, and there was another guy in our class called L. I’d known T for years, used to spend most of my break talking with him and a couple other friends. L was pretty much hated by everyone in the year, he was the type of guy that, during Fortnite’s peak, would tell us things like “Oh, I’m a professional Fortnite player on Twitch, I’ve earned millions from cash cups”, and when we all called him out for just making up the stupidest of lies, he’d respond with stuff like “My dad works with Epic Games, he’ll get you banned”. So anyways, one day, L came and sat on mine and T’s table, where some of our other friends were, we didn’t want L there, so we told him to go away. Don’t quite remember how it got to this point, but know we’d genuinely said nothing wrong, and he just looks at T dead in the eyes and says “I have a knife in my bag, I’ll shank you”. We all knew L wasn’t being serious, because he never was, but because we were all sick of him at that point, we all reported him to the staff. He got searched immediately, pretty sure he was stopped from coming in for a day as well. L came back afterwards and started trying to say “Can’t believe you reported me to the teachers for saying I threatened to stab T”, to which me and T both said “Well you had it coming”. Fast forward to about 3 months later, and L was gone, didn’t come in for the rest of the year. We were all questioning where he’d went, but then other students in our class started checking his Instagram, where to no one’s surprise, he was back to his old habits, claiming he’d went to California after getting his gold playbutton from YouTube. We all knew the truth and had a good laugh about how stupid it was. Still amuses me thinking about it to this day.
The yonder pouches sound like a good way to get class action sued for destruction of private property, and also of theft if they hold your phone that long.
35:12 my story(not exactly bad)the school had lockers but after covid,they didnt assign you a locker anymore,you could carry your bag around,though you could have a locker if you asked,I never got a locker but i saw some people with lockers
If you relisten to story 19, i think the person who wrote the story is actually the guy who the story was about lol because it says "he always uses a fake alias that has something to do with pumpkin"
Story 17 😢 holy crap bro
Has anyone considered that story 19 might actually be the guy?
Stop clickbaiting with nsfw shit. Gets boring after the 500th episode
Come on, stop with the porn thumbnails