Hey Everyone, Nigel and Luke here and welcome to Crime Zone.
Well as hard is it is to believe, we’re already 25% of the way through 2024. And if you’ve been tuning into the channel for awhile now, you probably know that that can only mean one thing — it’s time for another edition of Dumbest International Criminals, our quarterly recurring series where we take a look at some of the dumbest criminals and world crime stories that we’ve covered so far in a given year on Crimes of the Week International.
One thing to keep in mind is that these segments have not been edited since they appeared in their respective lists, so minor details and things like specific charges may have been updated since we first covered them. Also, if you like these videos be sure to let us know in the comments section below. With that out of the way, let’s get into it!
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00:00 – Intro
00:52 – Singapore
02:55 – Church Village, Wales
04:08 – Tokyo, Japan
05:16 – São Paulo, Brazil
06:56 – Tainan, Taiwan
08:47 – Sapporo, Japan
10:00 – Singapore
11:56 – Colombes, France
13:10 – Su-ngai Padi District, Thailand
15:40 – Godmanchester, England
17:59 – Preah Sihanouk, Cambodia
20:21 – Melbourne, Australia
21:47 – Adelaide, Australia
23:00 – Singapore
25:03 – Kamala Beach, Thailand
27:28 – Sendai, Japan
DISCLAIMER: We put considerable time and effort into ensuring that all of the materials used in each Crime Zone video fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. If you are, or represent the copyright owner of any materials and have an issue with its use, please send an email to: nigel@shazzu.com and we will respond as quickly as possible.
#crimezone #truecrime #dumbestcriminals
He wasn't stealing the turtles.. he was liberating them!
Holy crap that dude that stole the car actually got a reasonable sentence!
Count Me in!🤣🎉💯👍🏻
Salutations from Sofia/ BG to the Crew
.. the very 1st criminal was smart in fact, sparking my proposition for a smartest criminals category.
Taiwan trouser pet shop turtles
Taiwan trouser pet shop turtles
Taiwan trouser pet shop turtles
Hidden in a pants leg
Turtle power
Greetings i don't normally give shout out, but i been a huge fan for a couple of years. And you dont know how much respect and trust now for your channel in listening to these videos . . And again it was great to yes finally putting a face to your voice. So again you guys rock 😮😮😮😮
In NY in your caught with 1.2 pounds of week (1/2 a kilo) you would get more then 12 days in jail here wtf
I have traveled to Singapore frequently on business, always on United airlines. Before take off, there is a message given over the PA system reminding passengers that drug laws are extremely strict in Singapore and if you have done something you might regret, to please ring for the flight attendant and they'll escort you off the plane. Upon landing, when the plane is taxing up to the jetway, there is another message. They again remind the passengers that Singapore is extremely strict on drug trafficking, that the death penalty is common for violations, and that once you cross the threshold off the plane, you are officially considered to be in Singaporean territory and United airlines can no longer help you. They again remind you if you have done something you might regret to please flag a flight attendant and they will put you in contact with the American embassy before you disembark. Nothing kills the buzz of cheap business class champagne like a message about the death penalty.
I BOW DOWN TO YOU and your ability to pronounce these places/names!!!
The funny ones are very entertaining!
QUESTION? What's the deal w/ YouTube & Channel's needing people to watch ALL the Video? It seems like there is a sanction
or loss of payment revenue to a channel if folks do not watch every last second? Is that what they're doing to Channel's?
I hope not but I've heard a lot of channels asking to watch it all or adding surprises IF you watch til the very end…. peace
“I was drunk” NEVER absolves you of the crimes you committed
❤thankyou i needed a laugh😂😂 dumbarses
So in south wales, cops use DNA to investigate robbery and car theft? And then convict and sentence (4) years in prison? Either that was somebody important who got robbed, or, South Wales beats the craaaap out of the US
Love this video Nigel and Luke WTFJ 🤣🤣😂😂😁😁
Pocket of sunshine ☀❌
Pocket of turtles 🐢 ✅
There's a place called Godmanchester?
Oh, wow, yes there is
New one on me 😊
Really don't want to break the law in Singapore.. It's actually terrifying they go so overboard with punishment there.. I'm all for punishing violent crimes but personal substance use or other random stuff can get you a crazy sentence.. That's scary
Singapore might kill citizens for very little wrong doing, the u.s. kills thousands of innocent Children, who done absolutely Nothing Wrong, in Gaza and Yemen and god knows where else, Even their own 'innocent' citizens !! ( with pollution, micro-plastics, earth warming, war, war on drugs aso, aso.)
Stop calling the kettle black, mate ! 👎👎👎
Of course if you leave anything out of your sight for a moment in Brazil, someone will steal it. Everyone steals everything over thee.
Loved that English police accent was per laughter hearing that nice voice saying such funny stuff. It's been awhile since I've heard a car road called a carriage Lane, loved it. Thanks for another great video my Canadian friends
Some criminals here are really dumb, but the cartoon music is over the top lol 😅
And on that pissy note, abruptly the show is over 😂
@19:45. These 2 fools cry wolf and when they ACTUALLY get napped up everyone is just gunna ignore them. Lol.
I love your voice. It's perfect for telling stories, and you are very talented with your delivery ❤
Hello guys 😅
Lol ! Some of these people you just wanta ask " hey man how far did you run before you realized that the only footsteps you were hearing was yours ?" LoL 😂😅lol !!! LMAO !! 😅
WTF Japan ? !!!
As I am listening to this report I'm giggling ….. the music you are using reminds me of the tunes used in Saturday morning cartoons! Lol!
Some of these are wild and outrageous. At the same time.
Thank you from The Netherlands
I love the comments you make😂
We need Nigel & Luke gear…maybe a beanie with your logo?❤
You can still buy T-shirts in Singapore that read "Singapore is a Fine City" which is a well-known in joke about massive fines (and imprisonment) for many sorts of misbehaviour. Many Singaporeans are very proud of their country's reputation.
So all countries except America has true Justice System ! smh no wonder crime is out of control here in America, Literally no accountability or proper sentencing . how embarassing