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Sam and Colby compare the first ever investigation of Joe Rogan’s comedy club to the demonic hauntings of Bobby Mackey’s famous portal to hell. They are joined by Project Fear to perform a ritual at both popular nightclub venues.
Huge thank you to @joerogan for having us out! If you wanna check out his comedy club in Austin, TX click here: https://comedymothership.com/ or check https://www.instagram.com/comedymothership/
Our podcast with Joe Rogan: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4HHvaEznBwQX8vVTWSIEjj?si=5UsJb9OTQOaFCQIQ9FYsBQ
If you wanna visit Bobby Mackey’s before it’s shut down check here: https://www.bobbymackeys.com/
Special thanks to https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bobby-Mackeys-Music-World/111004908952498
Subscribe to our Reacts Channel: youtube.com/c/SamandColbyReacts
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What’s XPLR CLUB? it’s sam and colby’s very own social media platform! You’ll get everything from extra haunted investigations to podcasts to vlog adventures to giveaways where you could win the chance to be in their next video! watch the video here: http://xplrclub.com/
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Lead Editor: Charles Liu
Asst Editors: Sam and Colby, Jamison Forkenbrock
Producer: Zach Bell
This is where we got our Ghost Equipment (affiliate):
Music Used: https://share.epidemicsound.com/06bf3e
Friends in Video:
Project Fear: @FearProject
Dakota: @dakotaladen7
Tanner: @tanner_wiseman
Alex: @alexschroeder4
Our other social media!
COLBY: https://www.youtube.com/c/ColbyBrock
SAM: https://www.youtube.com/c/SamGolbach
Instagram: @SamandColby
Twitter: @SamandColby
Snapchat: @samgolbach & @colbybrock
#SamandColby #JoeRogan #haunted
About: Sam and Colby create haunted, exploration videos on this channel. Some series include Stanley Hotel, Hell Week, The Queen Mary, and most recently, The Conjuring Series. Subscribe to explore, travel, go ghost hunting, and watch some scary content!
Investigating America’s Portal to Hell (ft. Joe Rogan) | Sam and Colby
Sam and Colby
2 videos in 1!!! which club was better? Joe Rogan's or Bobby Mackey's?
ALSO we relaunched xplrclub.com so if you wanna see extra clips from this video join now!
Ever since I recently discovered Sam & Colby, I've been binge watching their videos. But whenever I do, I have been getting werid dreams… so I had to take a break lol.
Poveglia is a island in Italy and is known as the most haunted island in the world, maybe you could make a video there? (If you're allowed)
Up to 8:10, and Joe Rogan saying "I hope so, or this is boring.", its boring…
dude when I tell you I started crying when the phone started ringing. I have been a fan of the paranormal and of sam & Colby for years now. I even do my own investigations in my home because it is also haunted. however, I've never once cried or been terrified while watching their videos. this was the first time I have ever reacted this way towards one of their videos. honestly, props to you guys for being brave and continuing with your investigation after that. I would've said im done because that happening is honestly one of my biggest fears. thank you for continuing to make these videos and being brave. we love you all.
Uh?? some weird PEDO comments……NICE with such a young audience…..makes me wonder about you guys…..Hope I am wrong
Sam needs to be careful I’m sensitive and that bad energy isn’t a joke please Sam be careful I know the need for knowledge is an overwhelming feeling but it’s not worth your safety
Hell yes, Joe effin Rogan 😊😂
This guys are the worst I deadass lost an hour of
My life watching them flirt wit each other n talk about the house like I care just go n do what we come here for keep all that extra weird shit at home
Soooo, @samandcolby and @FearProject you will be going back before the demolition right? How many likes do we need? 😂🖤
I instantly clicked lol
This is nice to watch.
Pretty ridiculously unwatchable, the cacophonous audio, the frenetic editing, nauseating. Love Project Fear but don’t get any ideas to do this style!
Nah this video actually got me. Out of all the videos I’m so uneasy.
I had to watch this over the span of 3 days cuz I was to scared😭
I don’t allow any negativity energy to come harm me or my family I just like watching Sam and Colby
When I first read the title, I was thinking they were talking about WADC! lol
Love how Sam and Colby can get Joe Rogan to do an exploration with them. I can't even get Joe Rogan to slide back in my DMs lmao. No diddy
I don’t allow any negative energy, entities, spirits and other negativity to come around from tgis video. Respectfully
at 1:33:00 there were two bright orbs pass by the back room right after sam says "lets go". this episode was terrifying. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a shadow figure or something that we didn't catch in the video
Who else here to see if joe rogan gonna start believing or will he be trolling us through this?
ya'll should collab with Twin Paranormal. They basically do the same thing as you
S ssssssss so! Ccr creepy 😳 ahhhh. My soul left my body 😮
41:49 when sam pans the camera over to the corner where they were hearing footsteps you can see an orb in the corner by the pool table…
You guy Should try CE5 – summoning ET 👽🖖🏼
it wanted them to try telepathy because it worked so well with Colby.
I Hope to get a like from sam and colby but guys I have been watching soooooooo many of their videos recently that I got a dream of them literally 😅😅😅, like I visited canada and at that time they were there too and like I was with my parents and when I saw them I left their parents and they be screaming where u going and I ne like I finally meet them and I literally followed them I was like I wanna film with you too lol I swear I was like I might be annoying them but let's be TRUE when will I next meet them probably never sooo I was literally yapping to them yaaaaa……….. 😂😂😂😂
no way they got joe rogan. havent watched yet and its already the best ep
Why haven’t they posted in 2 months😭 I was suffering
I don’t allow any negative energy, entities, spirits, or anything else to come around me or the ones that I love while watching this series. Thank you letting us hear your story and thank you for everything you guys do. I am sorry for any glances I’ve made that I shouldn’t have.
Told my boyfriend that Joe Rogan is in a episode with the boys and he goes wtf he going to do suplex the ghost 😂😂😂
I hope you guys collab with Project Fear again, this was great content on all sides
Finally somebody that isn’t gay / boring
This is now my favorite video. Both of my favorite ghost hunters in one!!! Fear Project and Sam and Colby!!! 🩷🩷
There is a set of eyes at 1:19:52
Did the music box ever get found?
Joe just said he wants to dress like a dad but also a fashionable budd 😂
In the name of Jesus Christ anyone who watches this video does not receive any negative energy in the name of the lamb Jesus Christ who died to save us❤
"Wanna find out? 😏" HOLD UP SAM.
When Sam and Colby scared them at 37:56 I jumped so badly OMG I’m still recovering lol
Your telling me they were in Austin and I live here and I MISSED THEM?!
Also a medium told me when I wanted to contact my mom she said to picture a white light coming from my forehead while closing my eyes as I said her name three times….. I thought it sounded childish and didn't do it the first time and she told me I needed to not waste her time so when I actually took her seriously and did it (over the phone thru California physics) my mom always a bch and it was weird she told me she was yelling and that she wasn't happy and being real hard on me… weird stuff