Taiwan Hit by Strongest Earthquake in 25 Years

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Taiwan Hit by Strongest Earthquake in 25 Years

The entire island of Taiwan was hit by a strong earthquake with magnitude 7.7 on April 3. According to the Taiwanese Central Weather Administration, the epicentre of the quake was in waters off the eastern coastline of Taiwan. It collapsed buildings in a southern city and created a tsunami that washed ashore on southern Japanese islands. Train service was also suspended across the island of 23 million people. However, things quickly returned to normal in the capital city of Taipei. This was reportedly the strongest earthquake after tremors with magnitude 7.6 struck the island in 1999, killing 2,400 people and destroying 5,000 buildings.

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  1. {2024-2023}
    Uyghur Khaganate, Uyghuristan, East Turkestan, (Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region) I am from Turkey, China, leave them alone, do not assimilate the Turks, do not commit genocide ındependence Uyghur Turks news free state Uyguristan, Kırgızistan, ben Türkiyeliyim, Çin, bırakın onları, Türkleri asimile etmeyin, soykırım yapmayın yeni bağımsız Uygur Kağanlığı-Uyguristan [| Doğu Türkistan |] ülkemiz kurulsun özgürlük Çin Sömürgeci Yayılmacı İmparator Emperyalist devlet toprak bütünlüğüne saygı duymuyoruz tanımıyoruz taciz aştı kendini yardım help lütfen please…

  2. We keep having minor earthquakes till today.
    If you want to visit any country that has earthquakes, please learn how to save yourself, as you just saw how devastating they can be.

  3. Hahah 35 seconds in the fake video of some guy apparently swaying in a seimming pool that is rocking because of an earthquake? Hahaha yet nothong else around him is swaying , cool!

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