Stop calling Call of Duty’s matchmaking SBMM. It’s far from it, and isn’t accurate anymore. Let’s expose Activision’s manipulative and awful business practices that abuse the playerbase.
#callofduty #codisrigged
Stop calling Call of Duty’s matchmaking SBMM. It’s far from it, and isn’t accurate anymore. Let’s expose Activision’s manipulative and awful business practices that abuse the playerbase.
#callofduty #codisrigged
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cods fan base
most likely to call someone a cuck
most likely to actually be a cuck 😘
I’ll be doing really good one day getting lots of kills and getting lots of wins. Then next day bullets don’t hit, get spawned killed non stop, lose 5 games in a row and then I just delete it.
My first introduction to SBMM was with BO4!!! I remember reading the description when booting the game up for the first time and it telling me that it uses that to make games more fair and balanced and introduced the disbanding of lobbies so you're not consistently getting put in lobbies where you're getting torn to shreds. It was cool at first but now it's gotten out of hand. Thanks for exposing this!!! Calling it EOMM makes more sense!!!
cod community is an utterly hopeless shitfest with no backbone, no unity and of course no resolution. The fact that you guys let activison get away with it is proof enough that they will continue to use this. Go unite with all small creators and start a campaign to stop playing it just for 1 week. JUST>STOP>PLAYING. Make activision feel, they need to do something. Stop covering this game, stop playing and hyping any shit they come up with to the point they themselves come forward with the marketing point of removing EOMM. But this will not happen and maybe they will turn this down just a bit and everything will be alright all over again. The worst gaming community has to be you guys to take the cake.
If SBMM actually was “skill based” it wouldn’t be a bad thing but this bullshit skill based aim assist and skill based damage for low level accounts is bullshit!! A ton of pros make new accounts just to abuse the skill based low rank stuff to boost their own shit!! There should be skill based aim assist and damage across the board regardless of your rank!! Do like what Fortnite does with ranked and non ranked matches! That way we’re not being put in games with pro players on a new account or pro players with a 5+ k/d in a 1 k/d lobby!! How the fuck is that skill based?!?!
there is a comparatively simple little roblox shooter that I like with the same movement called "Phantom Forces". You should check it out, it's pretty great.
So we can thank those two morons at college for ruining cod
This deserves more likes and views.
does this also applies on ranked play? im an average player and im still gold 1 for a very long time….
EOMM came from UCLA? Cool, something else vile from that circle of hell.
Call it whatever you want it sucks ass
I have almost a 2kd in mw3 multiplayer and my win loss ratio less than a .5. Tell me what’s wrong here? I hate dominating everybody and being told I’m trash at the end of the game because my teammates are the most insufferable pieces of shit that have ever played the game. Meanwhile the pimpliest g fuel drinking virgins seem to do just fine and they all get matched up together like they’re the fuckin power rangers and they just slay out. I get maybe 4 games in before I’ve raged to the point where I have to get off cod. Then I play battlefield 2042 and actually enjoy my time. Which is weird because I DON’T EVEN FUCKING LIKE 2042
EBMM explains a lot. I've noticed if I have a couple of days off, my games are very casual and chill. Then after 5-10 matches. It becomes a sweat fest. Take a day off, cycle repeats.
I want to play the original MW3 in 2024. What's the best way to go about that? I assume it's going to be some custom client and not just DLing it on steam? Any advice?
I used to be able to wind down and auto pilot on Black ops 2. Now i have to really focus when i play mw3 or i will guarantee lose every time even though I'm carrying my whole team
What's Wrong With Ghosts I Loved That Game Especially Riot Shield With Akimbo Pistols And C-4 💪💪💪 Last Cod I Played Besides WW2
P.P. where are you? Did you see that PING(latency) feature for pc is now N/A. W.t….f. I gather I wasn't the only one that would not play games over 65 -75 ping. I live next to a server. Why would I.
I think Activision messing with our heads.. also I believe we're playing against some AIs who learned our movements and imitates our gameplay towards us making us play against ourselves with the help of the game … if you look at game play at times they know when you going to shoot throw equipment etc really you have no chance intill they slow it down.. were being rob big time
You’re doing the call of duty god’s work! Keep it up!
Uninstalled today, I don't like being played by algorithms. 💪
I find it hilarious that “EOMM” is designed to keep people invested & playing the game for longer periods of the time so they spend money, meanwhile nowadays I can only play 2 games then get off lol. When you compare me now to how I use to be when this EOMM shit never existed I would stay on cod for hours, buy every dlc, multiple camos etc etc because i genuinely enjoyed the game lol. I guess this new algorithm just doesn’t favor me and my kind of people.
Interesting really, it's a damn shame what's happening with Call of Duty all the new generations getting their hands on it for the first time won't get to experience a lick of the golden age of COD compared to these cash cow sized pieces of shit. Will Gulf War change anything probably fucking not but will XDefiant be the one to save the first person shooter community maybe but we'll see (that's if the stupid fucking game ever comes out 💀)
THANK YOU holy shit no one listens when i try and explain to them what is going on in cod right now is not sbmm lol
Not only are the big streamers cheating they're not affected by eomm. I never see big streamers bullets get nerfed or go against giga sweats like my lobbies. They have casual lobbies and their gun fights are consistent. This is discrimination why isn't there any lawyers on this like white on rice?
All the "games" that big AAA publishers sell nowadays aren't even games anymore, they're in-home casinos with a game on the side, and every year they keep getting worse because they've got people hooked.
Under-rated video, can I make a Reddit post linking your video, wont count as self-promotion
Lmaoooo always funny to hear weird basement dwelling goofs who don’t know anything about coding talk about basic game design like it’s scary. EOMM very simply expands on SBMM. It is a method for SBMM utilization. It does not alter anything real time, all it does is take a look at what is likely to make an individual play more as far as the retention pattern. For example, WWLWL will keep almost anyone playing. Then say WWLLW has a lower likelihood of keeping the same volume of people playing. It determines which pattern best fits you individually on top of applying this method in generality. Meaning an average pattern is applied initially. It doesn’t do anything to “make you lose” aside from matching you against opponents who should beat you based on hidden MMR/ELO. Kids like Pete are just upset that they’re bad, and can’t take an L. Entitled, whiney little nerds who are always mediocre players at best
That makes no sense because I ma always in sweaty lobbies
100HP>>>>150HP IDC about your opinion. Half the reason COD is garbage now.
I can only stand to play this game now if i have a few friends with me.
Before Activision started to do wild chat bans wed all have fun talking sh*t to random people but now youll get chat banned for anything "too offensive"