In this video, we react to and recount to an incident that happened to nidal wonder and nidal wonders accident. He was admitted to the hospital and we give our commentary on some of the stuff that’s been going on with nidal wonder and even salish matters reaction to nidal wonders accident. Prayers out to nidal, juju, and the wonder family. Comment below any words of encourage you have for Nidal.
Other Videos:
Nidal Explains His Scooter Accident.
Nidal Got In an Accident..
Nidal Wonder’s Life Will Never Be The Same.. (Salish is SAD 💔)
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The commentary/editing style is unique and adds value by putting it into my own list and stating my opinions/reaction/making it funnier which transforms the work making it different and unique each video. Perplexify created and edited this video to fit with fair use and has full rights to content and copyright.
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Hi hope he gets better❤😢
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it'ssooooooosad saylish isin it
I love you
i hope u get better soon Nidal this made me cry 😭😭
Hope nodal feels better😢❤
How did the amazing com
Im so happy ur better bc when i heared the new s i cryed bc ur my fav get better 😢❤🩹🧸
I hope you feel better nidal💝💝
Poor nidal god bless him
I meant if what if nad
al got hurt or something
When she got the news that Nidal got in the car crash sailish actually was talking to your friend. What if nobody got hurt or something?
This happend to me
Im praying for him and supporting him 💪🧠🫀🫀
I’m praying for Nidal!
They never. Showed. The. Car. accident. 😊😅😮
Nidal cant do back flip and front flips 😢😢 nidal i hope you get better tell me if you remmber❤❤
We love you nidal❤❤
What the game name
I do not care about the car because nidal got hurt😢
but godbless nidal
I’m praying for nidal love you nidal bye
5 days
God bless nidal❤❤❤
Yo this is crazy juju like a car never ride electric scooters
And I, I watch the dolls videos all the time and I’m like really his fans. I’m very sad right now because like I’m very his van😢 3:05
Poor nidal his voice 😭
Omg nidal you do not know SALISH
He was barely speaking
❤❤❤❤❤ you are so brave🎉🎉🎉😅😊😮😢
I’m sorry for your adult. You are so brave.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I feel so bad😢😢😢😢
when i had texed his brrother to see if he was ok on snap he had told me and i had sent him a message of me cry and scraming so loud that he had called and was like i'm sorry and stuff but i had forgot that i was even texting him
I feel bad for you
I think I saw Jack 😮
Neither I miss you so much are you OK?