A deadly storm system spanning over 650 miles struck the southern United States from Houston to the Florida Panhandle.
In Scott County, Mississippi, one person was killed and at least one more was injured in Grenada County. At least 72 homes were damaged in several counties, resulting in around 32,000 power outages. Fallen trees led to road closures in Hinds and Yazoo counties.
A massive flood hit New Orleans, Louisiana, on Wednesday, April 10, as heavy rains inundated the city within hours. Some areas of the city received over two inches of rain in an hour, overwhelming the drainage systems. In some southern Louisiana areas, up to 10 inches of rain fell in a day. New Orleans International Airport received 6.24 inches of rain in just seven hours. Flights were delayed, and bus and streetcar services were suspended. Numerous roads and underground passages in the city and its surroundings were flooded and impassable. Most city schools and administrative buildings were closed due to severe weather conditions.
The National Weather Service called the situation an “extreme flood.”
In addition to heavy rains, the city was hit by destructive winds, with gusts reaching up to 78 miles per hour. In St. Landry Parish, four people were injured when a tree fell on their car. One of the injured was seriously wounded and hospitalized.
Several tornadoes swept through Louisiana. An EF-2 tornado passed near Lake Charles with wind speeds of 115 miles per hour, tearing off roofs and destroying power lines.
In Slidell, St. Tammany Parish, and its surroundings, an EF-1 tornado damaged hundreds of homes and businesses, resulting in over 100,000 power outages.
Emergency services had to rescue people trapped in a severely damaged house. Around 50 people were injured, with one person hospitalized with a head injury.
Extreme flooding also hit Texas. The National Weather Service reported that some parts of eastern Texas received 12 inches of rain within 36 hours.
In the cities of Kirbyville and Port Arthur, heavy rain caused a sharp rise in water levels in local water bodies, leading to road, home, and business flooding, and school closures.
Water rescue operations were necessary. Firefighters rescued a young man from a nearly submerged car, while their own equipment became stuck in floodwaters. “We are waiting for a front-end loader to push us so we can continue water rescue operations,” said one rescuer.
Rescue efforts were needed not only for people but also for animals. On a farm in Kirbyville, a man rescued horses that were neck-deep in water in a flooded barn.
An EF-1 tornado with a maximum wind speed of 90 miles per hour caused damage in Katy, Texas. The tornado traveled less than 2 miles but destroyed several buildings in its path. Another tornado touched down in Chuncheon, Alabama, damaging a home. The relatively short-lived EF-1 tornado had a maximum wind speed of around 100 miles per hour.
This outbreak of severe weather was classified as a serial derecho. Serial derechos are a type of severe convective storm that covers a large area, over 240 miles long, with wind gusts exceeding 58 miles per hour.
In recent years, severe convective storms have caused the highest economic losses from natural disasters in North America. According to NOAA data, the number of storms in the United States causing over a billion dollars in damage is rapidly increasing.
The year 2023 set a record in this regard.
For the development of this situation in the coming years and how society can avoid a planetary catastrophe, see the forum “Global Crisis. The Responsibility.”
Man’s wrath against man!! The Bible warned about them destroying his earth…
Never have we had 75 mile winds this is all planned in the plandemic
Still think there's no more global warming.
Jesus can't heard or did anything for you.he was just a prophet but call GOD who created you and jesus and all creatures.read coran to understand more what happens around
South Texas I told Those in Nevada area and Orgeon State Abba wouldn't allow me from Orgeon to come down south. Abba showed up in my face. In the same North of CA , Donald Trump ,Joe Biden Ice Cube and Fifty heard me crying about Abba stoping me then I know they saw Abba stoping me. No one will ask which one is lieing saying he is my husband causing me grief with USA and International Abroad people
Слёзы людей …. Божья кара будет суровой.
I grew up with a storm shelter in the 60's& 70's because these storms happen. Not anything new. More storms are coming don't freak out. Get off of social media and research weather not listen to conspiracy theories.
Storms happen people and they will continue. There is no eclipse connection no government involvement. Just unpredictable weather in the good ol'USA! LMAO
O my God please help us all😅😅😅😅😅😅😅❤
promises promises…God keeps His Holy Word and comes to be
О заблудшие люди во тьме, если хотите перестать подвергаться испытаниям… примите мой призыв, призыв Иисуса Христа, призыв посланника Аллаха (Сура 43,61-64), веру в Единого Бога (Сура Мария.36), призыв обновителя Шариата Мухаммада (с.а.в.), и следуйте за мной к нашему Господу. Сура 3.31-32. Сура 2.285
America is cursed and it’s going to get worse! #stormx🌪️⚡️🌀💨⚾️
S this old?
Maybe the eclipse did affect the US
God help us all🙏 praying for those in the path of those storms.
cap. 10
vers 11.Assim lhes direis: Os DIOSES , que now fizeram os céus e á terra, desaparecerão da terra e de debaixo deste céu.
vers. 12. Ele é aquele que fez a terra com o seu poder, que estabeleceu o mundo com a sua sabedoria e com a sua inteligência estendeu os céus.
vers.13. Fazendo ele soar a sua voz , logo há arruído de águas no céu, e faz subir os vapores da extremidade da terra: faz os relâmpagos juntamente com a chuva e faz sair o vento dos seus tesouros.
Bem aventurados os eque estão em santificação porque pratica a justiça, porque o dia do SENHOR DIOS aproxima , e logo depois,, da grande tribulação, e do evangélho do reino for anuciado, ou pregado, a da criatura, ou todas gentes ai virá o fim. Mas ninguém sabe, o dia há hora ,ném os Anjos, ném o Filho, unicamente o Pai sabe. Os sinas é o alerta, para nos preparar, porque quem pratica a justiça ,está em santificação, por que obedece o SENHOR DIOS, e a suas leis, os mandamentos os estatutos e juízo, poriço está em santificação. Se o ministério ,ou religiões, ou igrejas , que now ,prega a obediência ao SENHOR DIOS, e as suas leis, os mandamentos os estatutos, e now aceita , e diz que as leis, foi abolidas, ou invalidada, now acrêditeis, estes é o Anticristo, a Besta, os falsos profetas, o dragão, a Antiga Serpente, os Demônios, o Diabo, e Satanás
É eles mesmo, lêr, em EFÉSIOS cap. 6 e vers. 12 e também I I .TESSALONICENSES cap. 2 e vers 3 ao 10 e ISAÍAS cap 24 e vers. 5 e 6 , e now terá mais duvida, e tem mais quase toda as escritura , fala claramente esta verdade. Quem, féz estas confusão, foi os Católicos, adulterou, a Escrituras Sagradas , livro de DANIEL cap. 7 e vers. 25 , eles mudarão, os tempo, e as leis, transgrediram os mandamentos, mudaram os estatutos, que foi tirar o Sábado Santo do SENHOR e pós o primeiro dia da semana, e poseram o nome de DOMINGO , que em outras linguas, e Sandey, dia do sol. E , se o sábado é o sinal ou á marca, do SENHOR DIOS, o Domingo para quem guarda e é devoto, é sem duvida o sinal ou a marca da BESTA , porque , são duas coisas oposta, now e chip coisa alguma, e sabe, quem fez todas extratégias, estas tragédias, o papa Bensoline, Bispo Elsébio, Costantino, grande , ai esta a marca da Besta. Eles mudaram os tempo , porque um dia que O SENHOR DIOS disse e de um por do sol ao outro por do sol, ai está mudaram os tempos e as leis, e pisaram e magoarão os Santos do Altissímo.
Abra os olhos para now ser enganados tanto nas igrejas Católicas, nas Evangélicas apostatadas ,que now aceita, e ném obedece o SENHOR DIOS, e as suas leis, os mandamentos os estatutos e juízo, e usam o nome do SENHOR DIOS, em vão, isto é o DIABO SATANÁS. cuidado para now ser condenado com eles.
O tempo se aproxima, e o juízo aproxima os sinais esta Bem claró para saber que o SENHOR fala daqui algumas horas , terremos em diversos lugares , o mar se levantará a sua fúria as ondas, eruptions volcano, granizo, ventos fortes, tornados tempestades, brutais, explosões, e outros sinais. acontecera.
Filho de israel pilot07Galileu.
O. Anjo. Mensageiro do Rey dos Reys o Rey Eterno.
Arm – your – Geddon
Path of the eclipse?
It's normal
This is just a Normal storm lets dig more fossil fuels😂 and spread it in the air
This was caused because of the gravitational pull of the moon as it made its way through the eclipse. It created a magnetic storm with the magnet field in the cloud's. It all had to synchronize at just the right time.
This is weather manipulation, God help us because the devil and his helpers want us dead, dont forget they opened up Cern
Looks wetter then the UK. Stay safe you guys and the animals.
after the eclipse!
people were warned….to repent and pray!
but nobody listens.
we could prevented it if only u went on your knees for mercy!
That Hail is Hell❤
Predicted it on April 8
Lord Jesus We need your help they need you.i pray I hope they talk to you n pray for them self for safety n ask your name. They need you Lord.
So scary 🌏🌐🔥🔥🌧🌨⛈️🌀🌀🌪🌪
Исус сенга охшаган инсон одам боласи
Keep us updated!
Ave Maria& Jesus of Nazareth ! Y' vareche cha Adonai Rajem let get together keep praying. For Israel, USA Egypt, Armenia, all soldier.
Isaiah 28:2,17-19,22.