Hairless puppy left in a garbage pile is the happiest girl with a beautiful coat now ❤️
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Aw, I love her floppy ears. She's so adorable! Have a wonderful life, sweet Chia. ❤
8😅😅😮😮😢😢🎉🎉 the inkthr oersuni that did yhis handhoukd havgebitbfoje tithttem😅
This is amazing! God Bless you 🙏🙏
God works in mysterious ways, who knows, I am willing to bet that Chia is in a better now then those heartless fu… that put her in the garbage like track. Dogs are so amazing that they are willing to trust another human even tough they treated the animal harshly. We humans need to learn to be the same way with each other
Thank you for rescuing this precious puppy 🐶 ❤️ and God bless you for your love ❤️ and kindness always
Whoever did this should get prison time!! Ppl are so heartless!! I'm so glad she was saved from the trash & gotta 2nd chance at life!!
What an incredible transformation!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!💞
Ali is not a paradise for dogs. There is a lot of cruelty hidden behind many tropical countries..
things like this that keep me going
What kind of monster would throw a helpless puppy out like garbage? Garbage is involved, but it's those monsters passing as humans.
So happy this little baby got a second chance at life and to discover what love really is. ♥
Ty for rescuing her, you give me hope there’s still good people out there ❤
Howcan anyone throw a living creature away? shame on them
It's really mean you throw an animal into the trash just to "save" it. Shame on you! Anything for money, right? You suk
So cute
She’s chonky❤
Iam dog rescue from Bali, thankyou very much.
Bravo for Chia❤
This was so uplifting to watch her get Loved👍😀💕
Dios los bendiga y acompañe siempre ❤❤❤
Gracias por cuidar los animalitos 😢😢😢❤❤❤
Por Dios santo que cambió tan bestial. Dios los bendiga siempre.
Llegará un día en qué los hombres conoceran las almas de los animales y entonces matar a un animal será considerado un delito,como matar a un ser humano"LEONARDO DA VINCI amigos se que creemos en un mundo mejor 🌎🌍🌎🌍🌎🌍🌎🌍 imaginemoslo Dios les envía una lluvia de infinitas bendiciones ♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇💖❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Good God and You help him,I am so happy❤😂
Special thanks to the kind heroes for extending such love. You're the best!🎉❤
yaiii chia!
Poor baby I don't get it why get a dog and you can't take care of it or you harm them they can't speak for themselves we are their mouth
People are trash. Poor baby they did not deserve this angel love. 😢 I'm so glad to see there are good people who rescue these angels and give them a second chance to live their best life❤!
What is wrong with some people? Who throws a living being in the trash? God bless❤
How long was that baby neglected in order to be left in such horrible condition? How does any human stand by and allow that to happen?