#FailArmy #Fails
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#FailArmy #Fails
Enjoy the Best playlist of this channel :
When You're Stupid – https://bitly.ws/W7ap
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Random Funny – https://bitly.ws/W7ag
3:15 disowned
So funny. Thanks for the video 🙂
Influencers … or is it Influenza ? … or the Influenced ? … or under the Influence ?
No matter what, they are self-loathing narcissitic nobodies so full of themselves, yet there is no substance, just empty fake shells. And yes, simps and other modern "defenders" will rush now at their rescue stating "And who are you to say that?" or "But they make tons of money and you are just poor" or similar stuff they consider "edgy" or "important".
Guess what, with all the money they apparently make they still can't by dignity, respect or love. And I prefer to be nobody, because I don't have the need and the craving to be "somebody" …. or rather _something_. Oh, and you can defend them as much as you want … they still won't sleep with you or even recognize your existenz other than being a potential bank account they can pilfer.
the perfect cure for a bad day
14:07 Best mix 😂😂😂
10:35 – Yes… Yes you are.
4:15 That is a good daughter right there. I bet she badly wanted to be able to tell Mom "it's really not that bad."
hi my friends, have a nice day
I love how this video both entertains me and allows me to escape from the stresses of everyday life.! D
2:34 Scared by her own feet 🤣
She must have been a cat in a former life.
Great, but did she ever figure out how to get her ipad to stand up?!
4:30 – I call BS on the shower gel being used. the bottle is completely full, plus olive oil pours and shower gel has to be squeezed out of a bottle….something anyone that has ever cooked with olive oil would def notice.
Everything would be even better if we could see the ending too.
5:27 Thumbnail for anyone in need
5:30 the seagull pulling the girl's bikini top string off was funny and embarrassing👙🤣
00:15 the guy cementing his own pool with such thin concrete is going to have to way more troubles when he tries to fill it!
10:08 lol now that´s what i call a brainfart and a half.
Is this the "Oh, it's shower gel, I thought it was oil"-clips?
Drunk golf should definitely be a televised sport.
That homeless girl reaction 😂