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🗨️This video aims to educate and raise awareness about animal welfare, featuring key aspects such as rescues and surgical procedures.
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Agree everyone should have someone to take care of their babies after they pass away, but what happened to the babies that were left by themselves in the house/fields ? Then they would need to be rescued and not left out there by themselves. Wouldn’t this then be a rescue ? Hope all goes well with your hunter case.
When we got my cat Percy 18 years ago, we knew if my parents passed, we would take care of him. Percy sadly passed in 2022. But now if we got another cat, I would have to pay an organisation like Blue Cross to rehome the future kitty, if I can't find a family member or friend to look after them, after I am gone. ❤
I left a trust for my dog in my will. I also asked a family member to care for my dog if I died.
Thanks!!!!! 😉
The opposite happened with a neighbour in the UK. In her will she had stipulated that her 2 cats be euthanised. Her stepson was shocked at that idea and took them in.
My son and I have animals and if we Go we will care for those animals. ❤ we love our animals and cannot Not care for them. ❤
Hello Viktor, hellp everyone
Hi Viktor yes it definitely is a problem when people don't plan what's going to happen to their dog or dog's after they pass. My last one now is 15 and a half doing well but l have a plan just in case. Good chat Victor Much love.❤❤
All sorted before I got my rescue. Two families lined up to take him should I not be able to care for him
Eldad Hagar on his channel often mentions this because so many people in the US seem to ditch animals out on to the streets when their relatives die. I suspect they are not so quick to ditch any bequest they receive though. We took Eldad's advice and made a new Will each in which any animals are the first consideration. No one else gets anything until they have been taken care of.
Siempre hemos pensado en si nos morimos antes y mis perros quedarán solos 😢. Y lo hemos buscado solución, tenemos un seguro y con ellos también a una de mis hijas q es otra amante de los animales q se haría cargo de mis peluditas. Gracias por tus GRANDES Consejos, Víctor 🐾
My husband and I made plans with my much younger little brother. He loves animals, is kind and I trust him to care for them or find a great home for them…and keep track of them. For that, he gets my love and gratitude…and my house😂😊😊. We don't have children, so he gets the house anyway. 😊😊😊😂😂😊
Its going to happen more and more that pets lose their owner. Because of what is going on.
Hi Viktor. I have only followed you for about 5 months. I had no idea you were as big of an organization as you are. My heart broke when you explained the hunters situation. And what you have gone through the past 4-5 years. Im so glad your life has gotten better. And justive will be heard. You deserve peace. Thank you for your kind heart. And all the people who help at the White House. And the hospital. Unfortunately, i dont have anyone who will agree to take my dog should i die. Can you give me some advice on how to financially take care of them,? Who would i contact to take him in if i leave money to take care of him? Your riend, Maria from USA. (Pennsylvania)
Viktor be sre you write all of the pertinent info in your wi😮😮ll.
You are amazing. You save animals and educate us. We have a plan because of you ❤.
Dear Viktor, you have a wonderful system for these rescued animals, hope it lasts a long time and keeps on going. You need very dedicated staff to be able to handle the situation that are compassionate to these rescued animals, do background checks to make sure there are no members of staff that have been cruel towards them, just a suggestion.
As I said in the livestream, my niece has agreed to take my animals in the event my husband passes b4 me. But as we are getting older, we’re going to slow down on taking animals. We have 7 dogs & 6 cats now. 2 came from Sergio in Costa Rica. Out of the 7, two are special needs. And 1 of my corgis came down with autoimmune disease. Dealing with THAT is a whole other story. He was on the brink of death. I found a vet in Australia who uses natural herbs for various ailments. She saved his life! I do everything for my animals! I will send you Sergio’s video of my adoption of Capitan!
I agree that dogs just don't live long enough.
I know this First Hand.
I love my dogs. I wish they would live forever.
My Backup Plan?
My Husband, My Sister.
My Daughter, Daughter-In-Law…
I suppose I should tell them, huh?
I agree with you 100% VIKTOR, have a will for your Precious Little Angels when we go to the Rainbow Bridge 😍❤😢
Thank you viktor! This is a problem. People need logic!love to all strays ❤❤❤❤
My cat is the onĺy one left of my pets. She is 18 years old now. She is going to my daughter if I die.
Thanks for the great job you are doing. May God bless you and your family.
My animals are included in my trust. The instructions list who will take care of them.
Takis has over 400 dogs. Step up to the plate, for your pets and for those that may be in danger and left alone, no fault of their own.
This is so true ,after 2 dogs 🐕 and 1 cat who are in heaven.. I have one dog 🐕 left 🎉 10 yrs old
I'm now 71 yrs old . The thought of me no longer here and my dog left behind… I'm blessed because I 🎉have family who has known 🙏 my Foxy 🐕 dog from birth ❤️ lol they would fight our themselves to look after my well trained dog 🐕 I love ❤️ your Blessed work
There's nothing wrong with having a backup plan together ❤️ before one passes away, I'm crying this so sad .. I love ❤️ how God looks after you and God gifted 🐕 dogs 🐕 ❤️ Amen
Prepare a will that clearly states what happens to your animals after you die. The will should state who will take care of your animals. Thank you Viktor.
Hi Victor….yes; you have touched a very tender spot. We live in a small village, almost off the grid. With a huge backyard and my 2 dogs are 14 and 6 years old. Billy 14, I rescued from the slums is very similar to Tambo. Simba, 6 is a rescue Australian Shepard/Husky. Both are house dogs. We could take in other dogs, if someone in the village would need help. But the other way round, there is only one person, who would be prepared to help us out. The reason being: they don't want house dogs. They want dogs to live outside. The only person who would help us, already has 4 dogs and 4 cats, and our dogs don't like cats at all. Our daughter has two cats, no go there either. I am 73, my hubby 70, we have decided to have our dogs, until they pass, and not take new ones. Very difficult decision, we always had 4 dogs or more. Billy at 14, has hopefully still some years to go; until one of us dies. We are truly hoping that we or one of us, outlives Simba. I cannot see; that any of my dogs, should live in a yard, outside in scorching sun, or rain and in winter at freezing point.😭
Absolutely correct. I had always assumed that family would take any fur or featherbabies that i have, until i was reviewing my will and the solicitor mentioned the need for after care should i pass suddenly. I canvassed the family, but also checked out local rescue groups. I have included a benefit for the care of my animals in my will now, and i feel good about it. I know theyll get good care if i pass unexpectedly.
Funny I think of that all the time our one dog still gets PTSD episodes, poor guy from puppyhood. I think of who would have the experience that I know of right now. It's a tough one, thank U!
Thank you for nudging again, to plan for my pet's care if they live longer than I. At the moment my 14 yr old sheltie has been living with my brother (2 hours drive away) since I had to move last summer and dogs are not allowed. Rentals here, as in many places, are scarce, & not so pet friendly. I do have a new cat, rescued infrom living outside for months. He is great company, just 1 year old and an orange tabby Thank you again for the nudge to secure his future.❤
Horrible situation
Ooh boy what a dilemma. I dont know what I would do?! Its a lot of dogs at once, any of the options.
Good luck Ivan on both cases- dogs and courts!
Im also glad youre outside and not using that blackscreen…😊 ❤
Congratulations Sergio and your adorable Lady ! We miss your kindness and you smile ! We are sure you have created a wonderfull baby ! 🥰
My three cats are old, I won't have any more kittens or puppies. In the future we will have older animals. We must choose our companions according to our criteria, this includes our age, our financial means, our entourage, our ability to manage cleaning the house, walks, vet care ! What a burden to leave to someone who would not know how, would not want to take care of my animals ! Imagine my cats who are brothers and sisters in a shelter, separated even though they have never been in 11 years ! This is not only irresponsible, it is monstrous ! Despicable to make the beings you love the most endure this (with your human loved ones, of course !) after they find themselves separated from you !
You need to plan for several people. Because others can also have unforeseen events. Your animals will in any case be a burden that they did not choose for the people who will take care of !
Imagine the situation the other way around, just like this lady with Viktor🙃! What a lack of respect ! Here you are with a dog you don't want but you're stuck because you have a heart ! it can very quickly become hell for you and for the animal ! Taking care of our animals after we leave is also something that must evolve ! Consider setting aside money for their care after your death. This is what you commit to when you adopt it ! 💖
We have made a plan for our 3 so that they are not abandoned ❤❤❤❤
My daughter will have all three dogs. She loves them just as much as me. But they are 12, 11, and 10.
I had a will written when I was 30 for 2 families to care for my fur babies. They love all animals n have a very large home n raise many horses( some that were abused) God wants us to care for his babies
Good to see you Victor. ❤️✌🏼. ÇALI 🌴
I think it should be what will happen to your PETS. I have both dogs and cats
May Allah bless you all
Brilliant topic Viktor, This has always worried myself and my partner even when we were younger and fitter but we stopped caring for a dog when mobility became a problem and started caring for stray cats over the past 16yrs. We have one cat now who we took in after she was in an accident she was a stray at the time and already had a older cat, she’s now 6ish I am not well my partner isn’t great but we know one of our sons will care for her when we’re not here. I couldn’t imagine leaving my animal anyway and even though I know my cat will be cared for it’s still frightening to think of her without us. We as humans can rationalise what’s happening but our pets can’t and that’s what frightens us. So hopefully your message will get in peoples heads and in the uk there is organisations where you can register your pet in these situations and then put it in your insurance etc. You must be so stressed having to put in your head everybody else’s problems because you love and care for animals, god you’ve adopted plenty but still know what’s the most important thing. Joan❤️🇬🇧
Viktor Larkhill, This video is fantastic! I liked it a lot!
Viktor Larkhill, This made me laugh so much! Thanks for sharing!