00:00 US Reaction if Russia Attacks Finland
21:11 What Would Happen If Russia and the US Went to War
45:23 What If There Was A Nuclear War Between the US and Russia?
01:00:19 Can Russia Invade Europe?
01:09:51 What if Russia Launched a Nuclear Bomb (Minute by Minute)
01:26:27 Historian Predicts How Russia’s War in Ukraine Will End
01:44:19 Could Russia Win a War Against NATO?
02:06:04 What’s Wrong With Russia’s Military
2:25:31 How a Russian Tactical Nuke on Ukraine Will Destroy Europe
02:43:20 Russia vs United States (USA) – Military / Army Comparison
03:02:52 Russia’s Big Problem With Ukraine
03:29:25 Why Russia Can’t Stop US Weapons
03:43:01 How War in Ukraine Will Cause Russia To Collapse
3:57:14 What If the US Invades Russia (Day by Day)
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1:25 Putin is losing the war?
Source please?
As a Finn, the world is turning, and it is not good for Finland. Finland and Russia have a violent history and every Finn remembers it. But still, both Finland and Russia suffer from this new situation, and Finland much more.
Finland is very difficult to conquer, and Finland and Poland were the only countries in Europe that are ready for the kind of situation we see now.
In Russia's opinion, Finland with NATO is more of an aggressor to Russia than Finland alone, but also much stronger.
Russia is suffering now because they invited Finland and Sweden to NATO
Finland has NATO ❤
The war in Ukraine has been over and Russia already won, the US media hasn’t talking about in for a reason
Why are you doing this…? I used to like your cannel because it was an unbiased source of info…..but nowadays you've resorted to this propagandist trope that make your channel look immature….
I heard Russia is winning against Ukraine. I must be misinformed.
this is a bit long video… especially when the script its self isn’t that long 😅
Finland is a full member of Nato as of 4 April. Another day off for your fact checker 😂
Sweden is a full member of Nato, as of 7 March. Obviously, your fact checker had the day off
The USA can not be trusted.
We're is the white death at
US with trump it Will not happen . Anyway Finland will not be alone 🇸🇪
America will do nothing
America is not prepared to fight a war against anyone. No manufacturing, an army with no modern war experience ,
finland is in nato its just Sweden waiting now
1 Finland is already in NATO
2 overuse of 'make quick work of' as abused here as 'lackluster' in previous videos
Finland exists only because they promice to Russia not to join any military alliance.That means NATO.When Russia finish with Ukraine and helping Iran destroy Israel they will adress to Finland issue first with diplomacy and if that doesnt work there will be no more Finland.
I love these videos that portrait the USA as the ultimate saviour of the world at the cost of the American tax payers… Like sorry to burst your bubble americans but whatever the US spends it always makes back more from the war… Like the levels national of narcicism in the US is almost as high as obisity levels…
Russia knows better than to mess with Janne Flinck !
Doesn't Finland have economical ties with Russia? Don't they buy gas and wood, and aren't there like a ton of Russian tourists in Finland?
Putin is Trump's role model.. Both have dictator mentality and very little common sense 😂😂
Ohhhhhhhhh not a finland got nuked
i loved how US assumed that war is not going to be on own turf.
Reposting old stuff……
Great county Finland
Finland like Poland have seen how volatile Russia is they won’t go back to the old days under USSR banner , they’ve modernised their armies an better equiped their armed forces
bogus post
Hey narrator are you from Connecticut?
Russia was badly beaten the last round so very low chances of another war between them,but Russians always win wars at last or in defect turns the "victorious"country in a smoking ruin,like Chechnya or Afganistán, so stop smoking weed boys,this time things would ends like a Fallout chapter for everybody.