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#FailArmy #Fails
Favorite clip?
WTF Richard is my new exclamation.
8:42 bro’s playing hide ‘n seek 😂😂😂
What the fuck RICHUURRD
The first one,dirt bike wipe outs are what I like to see.What do you call a person who has no fear? An ambulance🚑.😆7:25,quicksand 1,motorcycle 0.Good way to drown a bike.☹.9:48,I wonder if the Wright Bros. started out this way.
The first half is much better than the later half.
This channel is going to be the reason AI decides to destroy humanity
10:25 💀
4:34 💀
Not a fan of the really painful ones but at least it's a place i can come for some light humour after watching global WW3 conflicts.
If you have a gender reveal party, no one cares. Dumbest thing ever.
"What the F@(K,Richard?!😂
Was there a clip that wasn't staged?
Nice save at 10:27
Sometimes the more you fix something, the more it breaks
And sweet watching the doe playing in a puddle with kids at 17:37. What is it about splashing?!
There's a best save at 10:27. He doesn't quite prevent all injury, but he prevents serious injury. Bless his quick thinking and a momma who brought him up right!
there needs to be an emergency broadcast warning to all women. all women lack the upper body strength to use rope swings, if it requires you to hold on with just your hands, DONT use it, you will fall. also many women are overweight, which only makes it much worse, since theyre already very weak as is
The guy taking ball 1 on the gender reveal kills me. 😂
Every single time i see a clip of someone telling someone to kick cement pole under the bucket it really pisses me off he could've shattered his fibula or anything in his body that's how hairline fractures or much more serious accidents happen if my friends did this to me I'm cutting ties immediately those weren't real friends at all you don't trick someone into kicking an actual cement pole under a bucket how in the world is that funny i swear to God if my friends did this to me I'm immediately cutting ties with them I'm trying to break my ankle or leg again the last thing I need is someone telling me to do something so stupid and dumb i would definitely cut ties with the people around if they told me to kick a bucket under a cement pole I'm gonna be infuriated and pissed someone will get sent to prison for it friends who do that aren't real friends at all
11:27 omg that laugh!
@0:22 gary king?
The dude falling out of the tree
These look like break your neck falls!
8:20 Lo sabía! 😂
14:21 => Slayer : Raining Blood…
These are some of the people who you're waiting behind in the emergency room…
17:40 Makes a change seeing yanks actually enjoying their wildlife instead of blowing it away…
Oh that flip onto pavement had to hurt 4:48
I'm adding this video to my list of all-time favorite incredible moments!
1:13 the look he gives his wife. You're the idiot who didn't swing the bat. Taking a ball like it's a real game and shit 🙄
so fun! hahaha….
Whom ever foes the pranks are not funny, just mean
9:37 was one of the best
8:16 I think it glitched out
Idk for me if i say a guy fall it looks painful but if a girl falls or something i don't really care its like whatever.
2:00. LOL!!
8:04 the best gender party😅
Jeez, I hope they’re okay.
I feel like I need to call 911 or something.