Rescue dog is obsessed with dad

Rescue dog is obsessed with dad
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Abandoned dog clings to wall for comfort

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GeoBeats is a US-based media company focused on telling inspiring animal stories about animals from around the world. Our goal is to make people fall in love with them and promote compassion and kindness.

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About the Author: GeoBeats Animals


  1. Where I live people used to occasionally dump a dog. We tried to take care of so many over the years that I can't remember them all. The ones I remember the best were some really sweet dogs and one that sadly was so starved and in bad condition. That he died not long after we found him and fed him. 😢 as bad as he was you could tell he was a beautiful and very sweet dog 😢.

  2. Omg! This is the story of my rescue puppy! Thank you for taking a chance on her. Quick bit. My mom was NOT a dog person but as soon as she met my baby her heart melted and changed her life forever. So Dogs , to me, are representatives of Gods love for all his creatures equally and that LOVE can change everything. I pray us humans can get back to this simple message! 👍🏽🙏🏽

  3. I can honestly say he found his soul mate in you but that dog has some of it too. 😢 bless you both for opening up your lives to an animal that has been abandoned and wouldn't be around today if it wasn't for you two. You better believe that there's a special spot in the next world for good people who care for creatures like you guys have shown.

  4. Grab a tissue … "What do you do when your dog grows old ?"
    I just had to let go of my beautiful companion of 14 1/2 years.
    He's gone to the Rainbow Bridge, where he is young, agile, and playing with lots and lots of new friends. 🐾 🐾
    My heart is broken, but, because of him, and his love, one day I will be able to give that love again.

  5. What the lady said at the end is something I think about a lot. I lost my 2 sweet little old fur babies in 2022 and 2023 and it was devastating. 6 months later I adopted a GSD and our bond is so strong, when the horrible day comes, I will, for sure, be broken. Dogs just don’t live long enough but that’s why I give him the life he deserves! ❤😢

  6. More people like you guys needed , we too have tacked rescue husky’s , some have passed and some still present spoiled rotten lol kel Brisbane Australia

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