Occurred on May 14, 2023 / Curico, Chile
“The puppy enters the field of play at about 8 minutes into the first half and is taken out by the Palestinian player Maximiliano Salas, Curico Unido playing locally in his stadium loses the game 1-0 on Date 14 of the championship Soccer professional of the Chilean league.”
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😂хотел внимание на себя 😂
Ultradog 😂
eu gostei dessa apresentasao do cachorro parabens
Отдайте мяч собаке !
Он ведь играть хотел !
Velika beba 😂😂😂😂, on bi se igrao također ❤❤❤❤❤
Hahahaha 😂
bro didnt hesitate
Даже наши младшие братья собаки обожают футбол…
Dogs are the world's absolute best creatures 💙
Mano oia esse buracos no gramado
В прошлом футболист пес😂
The doggos like… Watchu looking at.. Wink wink 😅
Зачем футболиста унесли с поля? 😂
Высший пилотаж!!!
Собачка хайпанула внимания!!! 😂😂