Karens fighting at Walmart for 22 minutes straight

Karens fighting at Walmart for 22 minutes straight
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Karens fighting at Walmart for 22 minutes straight

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Videos inspired by:
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#karens #karenvskids


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About the Author: Public Freakout Videos


  1. It's interesting how aggressive "security" was with the person in wheel chair and it took multiple customers to verify his story, and security still wanted to be an ass hole.

  2. Police shirt dude's being aggressive with the wrong person & needs some training. Resolving or combating aggressive expression or a ticking time bomb individual using aggressive doesnt resovle nor will it distinguish altercation. Using aggression as a method to eliminate hostility factor actually instigates rage.

  3. The day Walmart goes out of business is the day I celebrate America. Their employees, their security, their customers, everyone is such garbage. I just don’t know how it’s possible that this store, every one of their locations, is such a vortex of landfill.

  4. I'm Disabled n a woman approached me at a wolly world store ova that piece of shyt uncharged wheel chair n Lord n Behold I gave it too her n walked away , went in store ,came out n she was still sitting there trying too figure out why it wasn't moving Hmmmmmmmmm duh DEAD BATTERY lmaodf whew amerikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  5. Christian you need to sue Walmart cause that is dead wrong. As a coach, she didn't handle the situation properly either. So she should be terminated as well. If a customer is already irritated, she suppose to handle it from there. They fire you for your honesty. I was an supervisor at Wal-Mart Inc., that's no grounds for termination. It could have been a verbal write or a writer, but they needed to go step-by-step to tell you and reiterate why they were doing it, and what was the proper way steps by step for you to takein handling this situation. It is very stressful working at walmart anyway, not just the customers but the management team. The don't do half the stuff they want you to do, never use the 10 foot rule towards customer nor employees. So sad Sam Walton is turning in his grave.

  6. So are we trying to change the meaning of “Karen” to be “all inclusive”.?? Like how woke actually used to mean something before some people stole and dismantled the term

  7. That lot of trouble again between rude , respectful and must pay when you buy it that stuff from the store and don't steal stuff from the store how they don't get the money to pay for that ?? And to be honest follow the rules those stores were but lot of people who turned out to have bad attitude problems to become ( Karens)that why to stay away from that.

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