00:00:00 – How F-18 Super Hornets Devastated Houthis’ Pirates
00:23:27 – How U.S. Navy SEAHAWK Helicopters DESTROYED Houthis’ Pirates
00:55:38 – How US Will Start a War With Iran For Attacking Israel
01:27:57 – Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ Defense System Compared to U.S. NASAMS, Patriot
01:47:53 – Why Pegasus Spyware FAILED Israel During Hamas Attack
02:07:56 – How Israel’s Iron Dome Actually Works
02:26:31 – Why Everyone is Terrified of Israel’s Merkava Tank
02:43:41 – Could Israel’s Iron Beam Replace the Iron Dome
I am Guessing 98% of you missed the LASER GUIDED Portion of the FA 18… What Laser? Where is this Laser? Hmmm, I Know the Laser has to be from an OUTSIDE Source as the Paveway Only has a Guidance System that seeks a Laser and then Follows that Beam to a Target, It Has NO LASER.. So Where did the LASER come from? Certainly not from the FA 18, Flying at Mach 1-2. So I wonder Where oh Where did that Point of Laser come from.. Makes you scratch your head now Doesn't it.
The Military Show!
It belongs in every educational institution across the world. Jesus Saves.
Fantasyland video channel.
they just as well give the food to the Houthi sending food in with o protection for the needy
I had a stroke got lotsa time but three hours??
A little kid wanting a candy bar. Throws a tempertradiam . Time to get out the paddle you want what back hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
8 comments on a 30k views video ? That's so obvious bot usage xD
President Biden sending the same message to every adversary in the world that America has consistently sent since it was only a bunch of colonies. (Except for Trump, because “suckers and losers,” or something.) That message is, “Don’t mess with America’s boats,” and if you do we’ll remind you why you shouldn’t.
3 hours and jam packed with context, maps, etc. and with very little filler. Thank you. Some of the best content on Youtube.
Advice is free….don’t spoil your videos by invoking Joe Biden. Better luck next video.
Wow 3+ hours long video 🙂