Scary videos from the internet s. Nukes Top 5 …um 10 SCARY videos of GHOSTS!
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Not Nuke’s Top 5, it’s a top 10 : lots of ghosts and scary stuff. We’ll cover ALL sorts of scary stories of allegedly REAL paranormal activity. You’ll see apparitions, weird EVPS, ghost hunters, scary tiktok ghosts, and everything else within the creepy, spooky realm of the supernatural. Does anyone read this far? I mean, if ya did- there is a cat seeing a shadow person, a woman hears a LOUD evp in her haunted house, a little girl and a ghost caught on camera, and shadow people and a supposed siren caught in a scary tiktok video.
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10 SCARY Videos To CRY Yourself To SLEEP to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD6BosZz9Ow
And THEN maybe try:
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Thats entity snached that cats Soul ..hope Its ok but most of the time animals die after seeing such things
Yes I can see the shadow entity peeking out of the wall I wonder if everyone can see it?
In the horse video… that wasn't moaning at the beginning. It was a older woman singing.
A knife? You don't go camping… ESPECIALLY alone without a side piece.
That's just common sense.
Ppl aren't the only things you've gotta worry about…
hello, beautiful clip, I also explore abandoned places, they are a little different, vandals often pass by, if you like, come and take a look
8:24 I always feel like someone’s watching meeeeeeee🎼🎼
“Did you see it”
the girl's skibidi toilet collection is cringe… Like what is that face bruv? Skibidi sucks
Please tell me im not crazy for seeing a shadow where the cat was looking, if anyone else saw it please say so because i am scrolling the comments
Sounds like “Mr Ed” on the horse video
Nobody tlking about the last one??????
That’s so creepy!!! I would never do that I’m a scared cat haha
Why is everyone white? I need some black people in this to make it more realistic, it's like white people is the only people that gose throw this
Someone has hacked her camera,the woman sitting at the kitchen table.
The north west wind?? Aspiring film director me thinks 🤔
What did the girl see I want to knw
dude the most scary thing about the footage of the girl recording her toy collection is the fact her family lets her get skibiddi toilet toys
That guy that went camping in the public park, yeah, his situational awareness and survival skills aren't quite up to par to be out like that lol
I'm not from Florida and have no idea where the fishing clip was shot but there is a monkey park in Florida.
The ghost on the road has a crooked head, it reminded me of Broken Neck in the Fatal Frame games.
The one where she hears "sirens" made me mad. You hear screaming and straight away think of mermaids?? Call the cops!!
My phone changed color at 06:40 it’s stays for 5 minutes so I go to 6:42 it’s stays in normal color black but when I go to 6:40 it’s a different color I’m guessing how bright that scene is that the pixel takes awhile to die down
That Japanese one seems suspicious. Even ghost wear face masks now, I guess they're afraid of COVID.
Vet behaviourist here!
Nieves, the cat on the first video could be listening to something in the pipes or reacting to an insect or something that triggered her prey drive. But regardless if it was from something paranormal or not the sudden "aggression" was because he interrupted her "hunting" time xD
Touching or shaking a cat who is in this stalking/prey staring mode is like turning off the TV when someone is watching.