From scary moments caught on camera in a possibly haunted school to creepy footage that might show a ghost in an old hotel, we look at scary moments that’ll creep you out! #Scary #Creepy #SlappedHam
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7. This is a photo taken from my school’s security camera 7 years ago… https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1blqbgc/this_is_a_photo_taken_from_my_schools_security/
6. My recently deceased cat showed up on my new phone. https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/1boovsb/my_recently_deceased_cat_showed_up_on_my_new_phone/
5. Footprints on the mirror https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/1bot3v3/footprints_on_the_mirror/
4. Shakers Milwaukee… https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/1bnitap/shakers_milwaukee_dead_head/
3. Took this pic at the Driskill Hotel in Austin back in 2012 https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/1bn2t54/took_this_pic_at_the_driskill_hotel_in_austin/
2. These pictures belong to Jolene Hall, this is what she said…… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10231630778935268
1. Strange Trumpet Noises in the Sky, Sydney Australia https://youtu.be/_P4XOiMKLhk?si=hy0hmIQsMEpDP7cO
STRANGE SOUNDS IN CONKLIN, AB JAN. 12/12 https://youtu.be/zfvQa1Fuhjg?si=w5lyusXSr8RqwuTu
Multiple witnesses in Bonnie Doon, Australia capture a haunting… https://www.tiktok.com/@_theparanormalchic/video/7349360026173050154
1313_mockingbirdlane https://www.tiktok.com/@1313_mockingbirdlane/video/7350700092577516846
Beast by Beast
By Edward Karl Hanson
More Than a Coincidence
By Christian Andersen
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
What happened?? you content use to e so good??
the first two noises before bonnie doon for me sound like a train upder heavy load
It's amazing that people are literally taking pictures of real people and making viewers think they're actually ghost's. OMG the scent of BS is becoming more stronger the more I watch.
lol we’re going to Bonnie doon
My favorite cat would sleep in front of my stomach and my Pom puppy would sleep in the crook of the back of my knees and both have since passed but I have felt them sleeping in the same places on multiple nights. It wasn't my imagination as I asked my wife to reach over and check and she could feel them also but when she turned on the light we could no longer feel them.
The trumpet sounds. Needs more work
That loud trumpet sound is actually a Bigfoot pulling a pine cone out of its butthole, clearly.
How am I 4 days late?! Shame on me!!
Whoever's blowing that "trumpet" needs lessons
Don’t they playing the hunger games trumpets
The mans face became pixelated right at the same point as theres did
About the "Trumpets:" The first thing I thought of when hearing this phenom was, Could it possibly be an Audio "Rip in Time" and what we are hearing are the Dinosaurs going about their days? Think about the Movie "Jurassic Park." Remember how the dinos sounded? It's very similar and that is THE VERY FIRST thought I had about this sound.
Both of my boy cats who passed away came back to visit us. We would hear eating sounds in the kitchen, and fur brush past our ankles.
Make a shirt with your channel logo
on black it will look sick
The picture of blonde girl and man in the background, it’s Mike Myers from Halloween can spot him from my a mile off
In the 1st video of the school "ghost" if you will take notice the towels on hooks look like the "ghost" and the hook above the ghost looking object is empty. I think what we see here is a still photo of the towel falling off the hook mid-fall! And the transparent appearance I believe can be explained by motion blur. I think its convenient that video of the ghost that is supposed to resemble an old woman walking is missing.
The mirror was my fault , I thought if I stood on it long enough I would end up somewhere else with thought propulsion, realised nothing was happening so put the mirror back on the wall, silly me.
3.31 Meell-yinn!!
Go on, Son!!!! Congrats Callum, ya spooky and hammy bastard youuu, yer thee absolute best!!!!!!!
Those "sky trumpet" sounds most certainly have not been explained. Whatchu talkin bout? They can THEORIZE all they want but they haven't proven shyt… No one has. We only have speculation. And why did we never have these crazy sounds in the sky before the past decade or so? Outside of the Bible, we've never had reports of anything like this happening. Back in the day — talkin pre-1940's — if something like this happened, it would've been all over the news. Yet it wasn't
You make the words "Slapped Ham," rhyme with "Ahem"…. like when you clear your throat?
Those "Angel trumpets" need tuning.
First thought why is there a camera in the changing rooms??
Maybe someone is just practicing the trumpet next door and have a way of plugging it into an amp or something..
idk lol. Or it could definitely just be a portal to another dimension
Im sure I will catch a lot of crap for this. There have been people who report hearing these sounds prior to seeing some cryptids. A portal opening.
oh i missed this one, bad viewer !!!!
AI ruined this channel.
“Tank or past Garcia”
Absolutely spot on. He fought a handicapped Garcia.
The trumpets could be earth herself crying out in pain
Were living in the flesh ..dont forget theres realms in high places
The speakeasy ghost looks suspiciously like Jason Voorhees. I’m calling BS on that one!
The mirror is definitely not paranormal, somebody did clean it after they used it for something else.
The footprints on the mirror is obvious. One of the roommates placed it on the floor to shave or examine an awkward area. They stepped on it and hung it back up. It's probably too embarrassing to admit for whoever it was. Lol.
Telescope images of the universe light years away: crystal clear
Camera images of ghosts a few meters away: blurry as hell
I don’t understand it!
Why is there a camera in the locker room?
Something or someone is scraping the firmament
I'm not religious, but those noises are how I imagine the end of the world to sound. it freaks me out!
What is realy scary actualy seeing a scary video here
omg as soon as i hear a reddit user or YouTube Channel i know its a fake
the driskell one is interesting cause the person on the stairs looks like an edwardian lady but the person down on the ground level looks like a modern guy in a graphic tshirt… im pretty sure that guy is a real person n not a ghost cuz why would an average joe in a graphic t haunt a historical hotel lol i mean modern ghosts exist but idk why he would be there.
footprints: easiest thing to replicate w/o actual feet. Learned that in first grade. double your fist up then turn on the side and viola. Little feet prints
I don't understand why people don't like the videos that they watch. This video should have way more likes