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About the Author: CBS News Sacramento


  1. 100% Preventable. I have not read anything about evacuation plans with animals. There should always be a plan BEFORE you get animals and BEFORE fire season! This is why the animals die in fast moving fires. It's 100% preventable and the fault of irresponsible humans. Animal owners should always:

    1) Own and keep in good working order enough trailers and vehicles to tow the trailers; 2) Have enough room in trailer(s) to evacuate the animals; 3) Train horses and other livestock to load before it gets to this! Be PREPARED. YOU LIVE IN A HIGH FIRE ZONE PEOPLE!!!

  2. Please don’t only think about the human beings!!! Think about the animals too, Americans on the west coast!!! If you still deny the global warming and vote for a president that does too, then that’s your fault, but it’s not your animals fault and it shouldn’t have to suffer because you are blind to what’s happening to our planet!!! Wake up and think again!!

  3. I understand it happens so fast but like the reporter said those animals are family members and imagining that fear for them breaks my heart. I live in the city and dream of having a big house away from the busy life with a rescue and a small farm. But the responsibility of all that life depending on me alone gives me anxiety and the happy turns to tears. Thank you to the rescue teams, camera men, to the media for using their powers for good, donate if you can!

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