animalencounters #scaryencounters #wildanimals 0:00 – Intro 0:29 – Bear steps into house 0:34 – Lynx attacks car 0:44 – Bat …
animalencounters #scaryencounters #wildanimals 0:00 – Intro 0:29 – Bear steps into house 0:34 – Lynx attacks car 0:44 – Bat …
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9:55👀,,looks like the one who started covid!
Bro that elk is wendigo
That woman with the bear, she has got to be on her monthly. That would scare TF out of me!!
Thank god i was born in nz no killer pets over here😂😂
Some humans don't deserve a brain. Never get comfortable with wild animals. Keep your distance
That snapping turtle tho😳
Mesmerizing footage, truly captivating!
Why when mi look the Frist thing I see is a jamaican. He forgot he is a jamaican. We always want to be in something. Lion wasn't having it.
Plural of octopuss and in fact octopussies.
От собаки убегал сначала русский потом казах😂😂😂😂😂
Er deses klain bray krund blak day
Cool video. Just a note. Animals are not our brothers and sisters.
Meu Deus 😱 nossa senhora 😮
I wish certain countries was like this in North America but they rather keep the wild in the zoo smh
0:50 I honestly love that sound so much. Sounds so majestic
I dont see scary animals ryt here😅😅 i can only see good meat
8:36………that is TERRIFYING!!!!!
I'm so sick of people thinking it's funny to mess with animals. Most of the time they bring it on themselves!
That unknown creature is a mole-rat.
The one you don’t. Know is a mole
Octopus is a Latin singular word assumed into English. The correct plural is therefore octopi. Same for hippopotamus etc. use anything else and those of us who are properly educated will silently laugh at you
Ay indonesia😂😊
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this what you get
either that'd a turd stuck to the bowl or a snakes head right there! You avoid snapping turtles is just leave em alone
Медведю тоже красавица приглянулась .😂❤
The dude that got scared by the bat got me in tears😂
the black bear chooses his harem 🤣
К нам в квартиру вот также вечером залетела летучая мышь 😮. И ведь мне никто не верил, при этом были вопросы ко мне откуда она прилетела, как она могла здесь в городе оказаться ?
4:32 Octopussys?
Hello this is real life I enjoy seeing these programes
Kura2 tu mcm seram plok 😫
Never mock Lion Pride 😂🤣
I appreciate Carlos reasoning but there are a lot of animals that kill without needing to feed.foxes with chickens,lions with any other predator. Etc. But humans are the worse.
Kejadian luar biasa
What is the animals with no eyes 3:17
The first dude was so scared of that beat 😢
6:12 Казахстан😆😅
Bro the snake in the toilet will give me nightmare now i will have to be careful going to the bathroom 😰
La meilleure c’est celle de l’orque magnifique
African big tuskers are amazing…..
That’s a mole sir…
That elephant was probably ready to mate.
Oh my goodness I was so impressed with the video of the orcas and the big African bull.🤗😘🤗😘 Beautiful capture of these majestic creatures 😍
The odd critter is a mole, a blind mole, they have no eyes, n move using vibration n their senses.